chapter thirteen

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The text Firey had sent her was slightly concerning.

She sat on the patio of the library as she usually did, staring at the text message with a puzzled expression.

He didn't respond to her for about ten minutes. Which was fine, she knew he was at work. But why did he send her such a worrying text?

Why was she not supposed to move? That was fucking weird.

She could breathe though, right?

Was something wrong? Did she do something wrong? Why was Firey's text so fucking... weird?

She shuffled nervously in her seat, trying to distract herself from her thoughts with her work in front of her. To her disappointment, her thoughts did not escape her.

Was she in trouble with Firey or something? Was she bothering him at work too much?

She shook her head, trying to clear her mind, but to no avail. She woefully opted to shut her phone off and place it face down on her lap.

Suddenly, she saw him.


Leafy grimaced and looked away.

She tried to focus on her studies again, but could not seek the motivation to continue. Firey's strange text was lingering in the back of her mind, interrupting her thoughts every few seconds against her wishes.

The green haired girl chewed the inside of her cheek. The boredom and nervousness were starting to get to her. She pulled on her silver necklace around her neck, rather anxiously, before her own anxiety began to irritate her.

She slammed her laptop shut in frustration, then glumly sunk into the bench with a frown. She buried her hands into the pockets of her green coat, comforting herself with the satin inner lining. And then she sat there, ruminating for a few more minutes, trying to figure out a way to distract herself. Or maybe find out what the hell Firey's text meant.

She was probably in trouble, or something.

She knit her brows together, trying to figure out what she wanted before opting for the former option. She felt the latter option would only make her more anxious.

Leafy stood up a little straighter, searching around her belongings for an activity.

A short, time passing meditative idea hit her. She didn't have to study right now, and doing something peaceful could help her out a little bit.

She tugged her bag over towards her. She rummaged around for only a few seconds before acquiring a notebook and tearing a sheet of paper from the back. She admired its perfection, but only briefly, as she soon folded it in half, creasing the crispness away. Her green eyes squinted with focus as she immediately folded another crease that intersected the previous one.

She hadn't done origami in a while. It was a little hobby she picked up when she was younger, due to her crafty nature. It was a calming practice, and she quietly thought to herself, wondering why she quit.

As she folded the corners to the center, she realized that one of the guiding creases she had made earlier was just slightly off center.

It pissed her the fuck off. She remembered why she quit.

Her eye twitched slightly, but she chose to actively annoy her earlier offense. She was supposed to be calming herself down. She sighed in annoyance as she folded some of her corners upwards.

"The hell is that?" Firey's voice shredded her fragile peace, nearly sending her into cardiac arrest. She jolted and squeaked in surprise, turning to face the boy behind her.

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