Chapter 1: Pilot

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Fifteen - Taylor Swift

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"You take a deep breath
And you walk through the doors
It's the morning of your very first day"

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As Maria Enriquez walked into a public school for the first time, her nose was viciously attacked by the scent of body spray. Lots and lots of body spray. Thankfully, the front office, where she went to get registered, smelled more like roses, likely due to the fresh bouquet of them on the desk.

"Marianna Enriquez, correct?" Oh boy, she was going to suffer through the American pronunciation of her name for a long time.


"And it says here that you live with a guardian?"

"Yes, my father died and my mother isn't in the picture."

"I'm sorry for your loss, Ms. Enriquez."

"Thank you."

"Now, take this," the receptionist said as she handed Maria a brochure, "It showcases all the wonderful clubs and teams we have here at Mystic Falls High School."

"Thank you. Have a good day."

When the witch went to sit down, a man with a leather jacket and sunglasses strolled into the office. Maria immediately felt the dark magic surrounding and tensed up. As she flipped through the pamphlet, she listened in on the conversation happening in front of her.

"Your records are incomplete. You're missing immunization records, and we do insist on transcripts."

"Please look again. I'm sure everything you need is there."

A beat, then,

"Well, you're right. So it is."

Compulsion. What was this guy thinking, using compulsion in a crowded room? Maria looked down at her watch. Only 5 minutes til the first bell, which was Trig with Mr. Thornson.


As soon as the last bell rang, Maria was out the door. The only thing that stopped her was the bubbly blonde she sat next to in Science, Caroline Forbes.

"Hey! You're the new kid, Maria, right?"

"Yep, that's me. And please, call me Mary"

"Ok Mary, me and some of my other friends were going to hit up the Grill tonight. Do you want to come with?"

She vaguely remembered a bar named the Mystic Grill on her walk around town yesterday, "Sure! What time?"

"Be there by 5:30?"

"Sounds great. Wanna swap numbers?"

Caroline said yes by practically shoving her phone in the brunette's face. After she put her number in Caroline's phone, they exchanged their goodbyes and drove home.


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