Chapter 2: Night of the Comet

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Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield

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"I break tradition
Sometimes my tries
Are outside the lines"

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After Maria had gotten ready for the day, she made her way to the school. Unfortunately, she had history first. But, it meant she could keep an eye on Bonnie and her developing psychic abilities, so she couldn't complain.

Before Stefan could go to Mr. Tanner's class, Maria pulled him into an empty hallway.

"Where were you last night?"

"Oh, you're Maria, right? Why do you want to know?" She was starting to get annoyed with the way these small towners pronounced her name.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know you're a vampire." He gave her a panicked look. "Calm down, I won't out you. I know you drink animal blood."


"Well, first of all, you were able to be pulled around by a teenage girl. And I know you're not that new at this. Maybe, a hundred or so? Still relatively baby, but old enough to easily overpower me. And please, call me Mary."

"Well, Mary, I do drink animal blood. And I'm 162 years old."

"Close enough. Now, answer my question."

"I left because I felt like I was going to hurt Elena. Why? Do you think I attacked Vicki Donovan?"

"Yes, but you still feel like a vegan vamp."

"Are you a witch?"

"Kinda. Why wouldn't you assume vamp?" Maria took a guess that he didn't know about werewolves.

"I know a vampire when I see one."

She thought about that answer before getting back on subject, "Do you know who attacked her last night?"

He hesitated, "I do. My brother is also in town. He's not as... careful about his drinking habits as I am."

She cursed under her breath, "If your brother gets us outed, I'm taking care of him." Polite way of saying 'I'm going to put a stake through his heart and burn his corpse.'

"He's my brother."

"He's killing innocents even though he doesn't need to. He can just snatch-eat-erase."

He looked confused at how much she knew about vampires, but he shook his head and reminded her that they were late for class. When they eventually entered class, Elena and Bonnie gave them weird looks. Maria just shrugged and went to her seat, which was next to Eve.

Tanner went on about local history for most of the bell. Maria was only taking notes on things she thought would be interesting in a play. Although, she could probably just ask Stefan for a story. She had done the math and realized that Stefan would have been one of the founders of Mystic Falls, or at least the child of one of them. Near the end of the class, he started to talk about the comet happening tomorrow.

"Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration." He noticed Stefan and Elena staring at each other, "Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?" They both looked down in embarrassment, and then the bell rang.

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