Chapter 4: Family Ties

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Waterfalls - TLC

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"Dreams are hopeless aspirations
in hopes of coming true
Believe in yourself,
the rest is up to me and you"

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August 23, 2009

"I feel like I'm going to pass out," Maria joked to Adam.

"Well, if you're going to, can you do it by the wall? I just ironed this shirt," Adam shot back. His white collared shirt did look crisp, and it perfectly matched the navy slacks he had paired them with.

"Whatever." Maria was wearing a light purple sports bra that complimented her pastel blue yoga pants. Her body was sticky from the sweat, and her face was flushed red. "I don't think I could even levitate a feather."

She had just left Magical Self Defense, and the instructor showed her no mercy. After three hours of back to back spell casting, Maria wanted to take a shower and go to bed.

"Make it through dinner, and you can sleep for as long as you want. Or until nine, whichever comes first."

Before Maria could reply, the sound of breaking glass echoed in the hallway. Both teens tensed up and raised their hands, instincts taking over. A familiar chill crept down Maria's back, and she instantly recognized the power of a vampire centuries older than her.

"Adam, stand up against the wall as quietly as you can."

"What? No, Anna you're weak right now, I can defend us-" Adam was cut off by his sister.

"I am your sister and you will listen to me. Wall. Now," Maria snapped. The younger boy did as he was told. "Invisique." The girl looked physically weakened by the spell, her legs wobbling as they threatened to give out.

"All alone, love?" A handsome man with fluffy hair and a suave British accent rounded the corner, spotting the witch seemingly by herself.

"Yeah. I was just leaving class."

"Good, good. I'm Mr. Castle, I'm inspecting this fine institution for your dean today. And, you are?" Mr. Castle put on a charming smile that Maria was sure he had practiced in the mirror.

"Um, I'm Emily. Emily Milonas." In the eight years she had attended the academy, it had never been inspected before. This man was obviously the vampire she had sensed earlier. But how had he gotten past the protection charms?

"Well, Ms. Milonas, could you point me in the direction of the werewolf dens? It's one of my stops around the school." The warning sirens were going off in her brain at that. The school's pack was the largest and most diverse in the country, and they had descendants from all seven lines.


"Excuse me?"

"You can excuse yourself off the premises, Mr. Castle." Damn her inability to respect adults.

As black veins overtook his face, Maria backed up until she hit the wall. Castle towered over her, and any bravado she had slipped through her fingers. He opened his mouth, which revealed his fangs, and bit her neck. Between her class and the effort it took to keep the spell on her brother up, Maria didn't have the energy to scream. She just felt her body grow limp as hot tears slid down her face in defeat. Ironic that she would meet the same end as her father.

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