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I wake up with a pounding headache and zero memory of everything after Oscar got me in the car. Everything is foggy. The only thing my brain is focused on is the fact that I'm somehow changed out of my clubbing clothes and that there's an arm around my waist. A face is slightly pressed to my back, making me very aware of the fact someone is there.

Without waking up the person next to me, I try to get a look at them. The sound of snores come softly from them. I can see brown hair peeking out from the blankets as well as half a face. Oscar.

"Oscar?" I ask, lightly. His snores still as he slowly gains consciousness. I hear a grumble from across the room. Logan's here too. Which means I'm in my hotel room that I share with Logan. My brain is trying to piece together the missing hours.

"Morning Callie," Oscar mumbles into my shoulder. His voice is rough and filled with sleep. His warm breath sends a shiver down my spine, goosebumps shooting up across my skin. I roll to face him, his face falling about collarbone height on me.

"Os," I start slowly and quietly, "what happened?" His face softens, if possible. His arm that isn't wrapped around me reaches for my face.

"You were drugged. Logan helped you change, considering you couldn't stand by yourself. When I tried to leave you wouldn't let me. You insisted on me staying with you," he says, his thumb rubbing circles on my cheek. "What's the last thing you remember? I can tell you everything that happened from then until now."

"Last I can remember was taking a shot, not feeling well so asking you to bring me here. You helped me out of the club and into the car. That's the last thing I remember. You putting me in the car," my voice is weak as I try to recount as much as I can. He smiles lightly at me and nods.

"After I got you in the car, I called Logan who had left the club an hour earlier. I brought you back here and he met me downstairs to help me get you up here. Then he helped you change, I stepped out during that. When he tried to put you in your bed, you started calling for me. Saying that you wanted me to stay. That's all that happened," Oscar's voice is calm, leveled. I nod, grateful I have vague details of the hours I'm missing.

"Thank you," I say, my voice breaking as tears slowly built in my eyes. He pulls me closer to him, just thankful I'm okay. I could feel myself dampening his shirt. We laid there like that for a while, Logan eventually waking up.

"You okay Callie?" Logan asks as he stretches. I nod, forcing my head more into Oscar's chest. I could hear his heartbeat. Slow. Calm. Calming me.

"I'm okay. Thank you Logie bear," I say, making both of them laugh. Logie bear was a nickname Oscar and I had given Logan when they were in Formula 2. Logan started getting ready for the day, whereas I didn't want to move, which meant Oscar couldn't move.

"How about I help you pack, you go to my hotel and help me pack there, and you can go back to Woking with me," Oscar mumbles into my hair, trying to get me to get up.

"What about Logan? I typically go to Grove with him," I reply, feeling bad for abandoning Logan as he was the only reason I was here originally.

"Grove is only an hour away. You can come and go as you please," he says, pulling away from me so he could see my face. I nod, slowly pulling myself out of bed. My head was killing me, making me nauseous.

"Callie?" Logan asks, seeing me zoned out and staring at a wall. Willing myself to not throw up. I turn to him slightly. "You okay?"

"Nauseous. Trying not to vomit," I say, bringing my attention to the wall again. Oscar brings me some Advil and a water bottle, which I accept graciously. I slowly started to pack as the nausea went away and I was able to move. I quickly went to the bathroom and changed into a pair of flare leggings and a McLaren t-shirt. I slip into my usual converse, lacing them quickly. After brushing my hair and teeth, I pack up my bathroom stuff. Logan had packed my suitcase for me while I was in the bathroom, I guess to prevent me from having to bend down too much as he knows that makes me feel dizzy and nauseous.

"I love you Callie, text me when you get to Woking, okay?" Logan says, pulling me into a tight hug. Him and Oscar had finished up packing my clothes and camera stuff, as well as my carryon.

"I love you too Logie. I'll text you daily. We can FaceTime everyday too if you want," I reply, returning the tight hug. God being away from Logan always tears me apart. He's my platonic soulmate, my twin flame. When I'm away from him, there's a piece of me missing.

"Everyday works for me, Cal," he says, pulling apart from me. He gives me a quick kiss atop my head, opening the door for me and Oscar. Oscar holds my suitcase, which I added my bathroom stuff to moments earlier. I have my camera bag and my carryon in my arms. Logan decides to walk Oscar and I downstairs to help get my stuff in the small trunk of Oscar's rental. We share one last hug before Oscar helps me into the car and I part ways with my best friend.

"You okay?" Oscar asks, his hand already finding its designated spot on my thigh. A small smile appears on my face when I look at Oscar, who's already looking over at me.

"Yeah. I'm okay," I answer. The drive to his hotel was pretty fast, taking no more than 15 minutes.

Oscar's hotel was incredibly fancy. Tall ceilings and chandeliers hung in the lobby. His room had a couple of chandeliers as well, with a balcony and a fireplace of marble. The chandeliers were made to look as though they were candles on the spokes, illuminating the rooms. I guess McLaren gets their drivers the penthouses at the hotels they stay at.

"Holy shit," I mumble, staring around the room. It feels like I'm not supposed to be here, like it's too fancy for me. I hear Oscar chuckle next to me as he heads to the bedroom to pack. I walk around the main room, running my finger along the edges of things such as the fireplace.

I open the doors to the balcony, feeling a slight breeze on the hot day. Oscar appears beside me, wrapping arm around my waist. He pulls me closer to him, my head falling between his collar and jaw.

"It's nice, isn't it?" he asks, his voice vibrating his chest as he talks. I just nod, observing the view.

"Are you finished?" I ask, not removing my eyes from where they stared. I feel him nod, causing me to pull away. "Shall we go to the airport then?"

"I guess we shall," he replies, holding out his hand for me to grab. Our hands meet, fitting together perfectly. He picks up his suitcase, which he had left by the door of the room. We make our way back downstairs to the car.

He puts his suitcase with mine, struggling a bit to make it fit in the small trunk. I go to open my door, but he beats me to it, helping me into the car yet again. I smile up at him, causing him to pull out his phone and take another picture of me.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I ask him once he's gotten in on the drivers side. He glances at me, smiling wide.

"What? Taking pictures?" I nod, urging him to continue. "Because you're so pretty and I want to keep these moments forever." Blood rushes to my cheeks, warmth spreading across my chest and face. His hand finds its way to its spot and we takeoff for the airport.

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