1.5K 35 0

The airport was kinda empty other than paparazzi and employees. Oscar had purchased my ticket for me, getting both of us into first class seats. We're currently sitting on the plane, me by the window, him on the aisle. 

Oscar's hand meets my thigh, tracing my thigh and rounding my knee. He lets his hand rest on my thigh, leaving a warmth everywhere his hand touches. I can feel his eyes on me, trying to analyze my reaction to his touch. I turn to look at him. He smirks at me as he pulls his phone out. I hear the shutter of a phone as he takes a picture of me.

"Quit doing that," I tell him, laying my head on his shoulder. I feel his shoulder rise as he chuckles, moving his arm from my thigh to around my body. His hand rests on my waistband, playing with the hem of my shirt. Blood rushes to my face and my body fills with a warmth.

"Eh I don't think I will," Oscar says, smirking down at me. I roll my eyes and try to ignore the feeling of warmth blooming from my stomach. I close my eyes, forcing myself to fall asleep until we land. His hands are cold when they accidentally graze my skin, causing me to flinch and get goosebumps. Yet the feeling of his fingers tracing my body is comforting, lulling me to sleep.

~-~ -~-

"Callie, wake up love," Oscar whispers in my ear. I slowly open my eyes to see us approaching the landing. I stretch a bit, buckling my seatbelt for the landing.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask Oscar, pulling my phone out to make sure I look presentable. My hair was genuinely a mess and I had drool down my chin. Gross.

"Uh maybe about 2 hours," he says, licking his thumb before running it over where the drool was. He cleans off my face, smiling at me. I smile back, head-butting his bicep, causing him to reach over and ruffle my hair.

The U.K. is colder than I remember, having gotten used to the warmer weather at races. As we disembark the plane, Oscar wraps an arm around me, holding me close to him. Cameras shutter all around us, Oscar smiling and waving at them while I try to hide my face. Thankfully we make it through the airport and to Oscar's car fairly quickly.

Oscar loads our stuff into the trunk before he helps me into the passenger seat. I situate myself in my seat, not knowing how long the car ride would be.

"Callie, you hungry?" Oscar asks, starting up the car. His phone connects to the bluetooth and his playlist started playing.

"Oh um kinda," I answer, staring out the window. I slightly hummed along with the music, appreciating his music taste. He nods, beginning to drive out of the parking lot.

"Okay love, we can stop somewhere if you'd like," he smiles over at me, placing his hand on my thigh. I nod at him, signaling that I wouldn't mind stopping for food.

We stop at a cafe along the way home for some lunch. It's a cute little Italian cafe that's close to Oscar's apartment. Oscar helps me out of the car, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close as we walk in.

"Have you ever eaten here before?" Oscar asks me as we sit down at a table. I shake my head in response. He smiles and links his fingers with mine.

"No, I haven't been through Woking in a while," I reply, propping my head up on my hand that isn't interlocked with his. His thumb is rubbing circles on my knuckles. "What do you recommend, Osc?"

"Hm, personally I really like the pasta here. The alfredo is really good too," he replies, slightly blushing at the nickname I called him. I nod and smile at him, processing his recommendations.

The waiter comes over eventually to get our orders. I order a water to drink as well as the chicken alfredo. Oscar orders a lemonade and some sort of pasta. While we wait for our food Oscar tells me stories of his time in F1, telling me all about his team and the challenges he's faced within the community.

Our food and drinks arrive and we dig in. I'm really glad I took Oscar up on his recommendation because it was really good. Oscars hand sits on my thigh as we eat, him rubbing circles with his thumb, something he does a lot.

After we finish eating, we head back out to the car. Oscar helps me into the car before hopping into the drivers seat. We start driving to his apartment, which ends up being about 30 minutes away.

Sorry this chapter is so short. It's kinda a filler chapter, like I know where it's going but I needed them to get somewhere first. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed:)

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