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Monaco. The home of Lando Norris, Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc and many other Formula 1 drivers. Also the place of the Monte Carlo Grand Prix. Which happens to be why Oscar and I are here.

"Wait Callie take a picture of me," he says, walking down a hill. I roll my eyes, complying with the Australian in front of me. He turns around to laugh at me, trailing behind him. Oscar decided we should go on a hike, hence how we ended up here.

"Osc wait I don't wanna fall," I say, attempting to follow him. He reaches a hand out, preparing to catch me. He doesn't need to. He just grabs my hand, pulling me into his chest.

"I got you, love," he assures me, holding me to his body. I smile up at him and lean my head on his shoulder for a sec. I pull away, starting on the hike again. This time with my small hand in his large one. He hums behind me, letting me pull him anywhere I want to go. I glance behind me, seeing him admiring me. His eyes full of love and admiration for me. Something I've never been used to. Something I've never had in past relationships.

"You're so pretty," he mumbles. Blood rushes to my cheeks, heating my face. I turn away from him, continuing to walk. His callused hand rubs hearts onto my knuckles, sending shivers up my spine.

We slowly reach the top of the cliffs, taking a moment to take in the view. His left hand meets my waist, sending goosebumps across my skin. His rough hand pulls me into his waist, our waists pushing against each other. His right hand trails up my left arm, leading the goosebumps further up my body.

His hand grips my chin, forcing us to make eye contact. His thumb slides across my jawline. His eyes are shooting from mine, down to my lips. I don't hesitate to slam my lips onto his. His hands entangle my hair, mine pulling at the tips of the hair on his neck. He groans against my lips, giving me the chance to deepen our kiss. Oscar pushes me against a rock, pinning me.

"Osc," I gasp out, feeling his hand slip underneath my shirt. They slide up my body, cupping my side. His hands are cold on my warm skin, creating a temperature imbalance on my skin. I feel him smirk into the kiss at my reaction. My hands slip beneath his shirt, scratching at his back, surely leaving marks.

"Jesus Callie," Oscar groans out as I scratch at his back. I pull away, wiggling my way out of his grasp, leaving him wanting more. Our lips are puffy and red.

"Come on Osc, let's get back to the car," I say, grabbing his hand. He chuckles, his body going slightly limp as he allows me to pull him. I glance back at him occasionally as he stumbles over rocks.

"Stop looking at me. You're going to make me fall," he says sternly, causing me to laugh. "It's not funny. You're just too damn gorgeous." It's difficult to stop the heat rising to my cheeks. I listen to him talk about the race in a couple of days as we hike back to the car. He's going over the strategies that they have in place for FP1, over explaining with his hands. I chuckle and turn towards him, smashing my lips into his yet again.

"I love you, and I love hearing about racing but holy shit Osc," I say as I pull away. Holy fuck I said I love him.

"I love you too, Callie," he stutters out, tripping over the four letter word. I smile softly at him, as he takes the lead in leading us to the car. I can't help but adore the man in front of me. He knows what to say, he knows how to take care of me, he knows what I need. He's such a sweet boy and honestly he deserves the world, but God the unspeakable things this man makes me feel.

When we reach the car, he helps me in and buckles me up. Before running over to the drivers side, he leans in and kisses me, short and sweet. Full of love. Full of want. Full of admiration.

~-~ -~-

"Why the hell would you order fish?" Lando asks in disgust as the waiter walks away. Oscar cackles at the look on Lando's face, which is pure hatred and disgust for the man sitting across from him.

"I like fish," Alex says, shrugging. Lando side eyes him, his lips curled in disgust. I chuckle at the two boys and grab a breadstick off the table. To be honest I have no clue where we are, I was just instructed to wear nice clothes, but once I got here I realized that the entire fucking grid was here. Oscar's hand grips my thigh beneath the table, squeezing once. I place my hand on top of his, squeezing twice.

"What about you two lovebirds? What have you been up to?" Lewis asks, turning his attention to me and Oscar. I blush, looking down at my lap, my hair blocking my view of the men and women around me.

"Oh we went on a hike earlier! We've been doing a lot of stuff in nature actually. Something about Callie in the sunlight is amazing," Oscar says, causing my head to snap towards him at the sound of his voice. Once he finishes the last sentence, my head is in my hands, propped up on the table. I can hear some of the guys chuckling at our relationship as Oscar's hand starts yo rub circles on my back.

"He's a pain in the ass sometimes," I say, glancing at the Australian. He scoffs and acts offended. "You literally body slammed me into the lake last week."

"In my defense, Lando told me to," Oscar says, causing me to shoot daggers at the British man sitting on the opposite side of me. His hands raise in defense.

"I told him to ask before!" Lando's voice comes out high pitched as the entire table starts laughing at the poor boy.

"Anyways! Lewis, how's Roscoe?" I ask, changing the topic. Lewis nods and starts telling me about how Roscoe has been enjoying pretending to be a worker at Mercedes. George beside him starts to add other insight to Roscoe being the #1 employee at the Mercedes office.

Oscar's arm is around my waist, his hand toying with the buttons on the side. Occasionally his cold hand grazes my skin, eliciting violent shiver from me that cause the couple people around us to look. I shoot him a glare and his hand slips down my waist to toy with the buttons further down. The buttons just create a swoop effect on the long black dress. There's a slit up on leg that he was playing with earlier before Lando slapped his hand away.

"Oscar Jack Piastri if you do not stop trying to undress your woman in front of me I'm going to fucking cry," Lando whisper yells across me, just loud enough for Oscar, me, and Logan to hear. Logan starts cackling as a blush rises to Oscar's cheeks, him shooting daggers in Lando's direction. My face is instantly in my hands again, laughing back tears.

The rest of the driver dinner goes nicely, talk between the drivers only gets dirty once or twice. Thankfully no fighting or arguing between the men. Logan, Lando, Charles, George, Alex Albon, Daniel, Max, Kelly, and I are the last people left from the dinner. The boys are chatting about races and what they're excited for, while Kelly and I gossip about Max and Oscar.

Eventually, muscular arms slide around my waist, a head ending up on my shoulder. Oscar's cologne fills my nose and my body relaxes into his touch. His hot breath fanning my neck makes heat rise to my cheeks. I reach my hand up to his cheek, squishing his face close to mine. I feel his lips connect with my neck before a violent hit from behind. Kelly starts laughing, causing me to turn.

Lando had fully thrown himself at Oscar, finally having enough of the younger trying to feel me up all dinner. Oscar's chuckling at the British man and his pitiful attempt to get Oscar off me. I roll my eyes, starting to say bye to the others before leading Oscar out of the building. His hands on my hips make it hard for me to focus on walking to the car when all I want is to feel his body against mine, holding me and kissing me. Oscar's hands leave my body just long enough to open my door for me and help me into the car. Then they're on me again; caressing my cheek, tracing my jawline, cupping my face.

Oscar eventually gets into the car and we head for the hotel that we're staying at. Oscar's love language is definitely physical touch; he gets so upset when he's unable to have a hand on me, which is why his hands search for me everywhere we go, why some part of his body is always touching mine. And you know, for once, I don't mind it.

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