1. "stupid" "stupid" "stupid"

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(I'm just writing this for fun. If it sucks or I make grammar mistakes, please tell me. Also, I don't really have a schedule for this one so it will be off and on. Enjoy✌️- I.M.)

There he was. Everest, with his bouncy brown hair falling over his stupid caramel eyes that shimmered in the sunlight, his stupid light tan skin that matched so perfectly with his black septum and central labrant piercing.

He was so stupid, and he was walking into the library where I worked part-time. I didn't know he could read. I thought to myself. He held a half-drunken frappe in his hand and he sat at a table with Seán.

I helped an elderly woman get a book while I heard the idiotic giggles of Seán and Everest. They held a book, I couldn't see the cover but based on their dumb smirks. I assumed it was one of those books full of smut and with no actual plot.

I went back to my desk to give the woman the book. And next came Everest, I scanned the book and gave it to him.

"Hey, not gonna say good evening, how's your day going?"

"Why would I ask a question when I don't care?" I rolled my chair back and forth while staring at him.

"Oh, but you asked the lady before me?"

"Yeah because she's not you, and she isn't borrowing books full of smut." I saw his smirk grow into a devilish grin.

"How'd you know it was full of smut, have you read it before?" I rolled my eyes and he gasped. "You have, how dastardly!" He looked like a woman from the nineteen-fifties clutching her pearls.

"My sister reads books like that, I recognize that cover. Also, your giggles gave it away."

His stupid grin turned into a smile, showing off his teeth. They were slightly crooked but paper white. He shrugged, "I guess you caught me, see you later Blondie."

He and Seán walked out, and my fist unclenched, I hate when he calls me Blondie. I thought to myself.

After my shift, I drove home. I sat in the driveway, preparing for whatever would be waiting for me. I got out of my car and struggled to close the door.

"Fuck this old ass car." I kicked the door and it finally shut. I fixed my hair and walked inside. There I saw my mom and dad, and next to them my older sister and brother. They looked at me before my mom smiled, "Hey sweetie, come make a plate and sit down."

I nodded and did as told. I was sat in between my brother and dad. My dad congratulated my brother on some sports awards and my mom talked with my sister about something. I just wanted to get out of there, I didn't care about my brother's sports awards, or about my sister's day. I was disassociated and before I realized I finished my food.

"Mom, can I be excused?"

"Yeah, sure Hun." I pushed in my chair and washed my plate, I walked upstairs and went into my room.

Since I shared a room with my sister, half of the room was full of Taylor Swift posters and vinals, with a mushroom lamp and white bed walls, furniture, and bedding. While my half was painted grey with a bunch of Slipknot, Korn, and Queen posters. I laid on my bed feeling the soft comforter against my face, I hadn't realized how tired I was until I woke up the next morning.

I sat up and took a shower, I got changed into school uniform uniform, a blue knitted sweater with a black tie and a white button up, that was tucked into some black dress pants. I hated my school, I hated the uniform and all of the kids with sticks shoved up their asses. Since I was the smartest out of my siblings, my parents decided to send me to a 'prestigious' school on the other side of town, while my siblings just went to the local school.

I got on the bus after eating some cereal. I sat with Alex, my best friend. They were probably the weirdest, uncoordinated person I've ever met. But I think that's the reason they are my best friend. Their honey-brown hair was styled into a jellyfish cut and they were adjusting their tie.

"Dude, I wish he could wear green, I just bought the cutest green sweater and it had like little mushroom buttons." As they ranted about the school uniform, I listened and added a joke here and there until we arrived at "Riverwood High" I got out of the bus and me and Alex made it to the classroom.

I settled down and started to do some homework when someone walked in.

"Oh, you're Everest Miller, right? Where is a free seat, oh there. Vince, do you mind raising your hand?" Mrs. Ben asked.

I raised my hand, my heart beating heavily in my chest. Why the FUCK is he here, I cannot deal with him. He sat next to me, "Hey Blondie, didn't know you went here."

"I would have preferred if it stayed like that," I mumbled.

"I love it when you're angry, you pout and roll your eyes, you look like a little kid whose parents said they can't get a toy."

" I do not!" I crossed my arms.

"Yeah, you do," Alex said, resting their head on the desk.

I rolled my eyes and pouted. Sh, I t I do pout when I'm angry. I continued with my homework ignoring Everest and staring at my work.

Later, it was the last period. Lucky for me, it was English, which I am awesome at. I was writing down notes faster than the teacher was talking. The teacher assigned homework over the weekend, which sucks but at least it was a simple poem. I was walking to the bus when I felt an arm around my shoulder.

I looked up and saw Everest. "Hey Blondie, I need a favor from you."

"What is it?"

"Could we meet up at the library tomorrow and could you help me with some of this homework?"

"Why should I, what would I get out of it?"

"You get to hang out with me." He flashed a smile, but when he saw my unimpressed face he sighed. "I'll buy you lunch."

"Deal, see you at noon."

He smirked," See you then Blondie."

'up, it's I.M. I hope you like this.

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