2. totally not a date.

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When I arrived at the library, I knew this was a mistake. Everest sat there, his curly hair was tied back in a ponytail. He had eyeliner on that made eyes stand out. His black sweater hung from his forearms, showing off his sleeveless turtle neck. Silver necklaces laid from his neck.

He drummed his fingers on the table, looking out of the window. When I sat down, he flashed me that paper white crooked smile that made all the girls' knees quake.

"Hey Blondie, you made it."

"Sadly, I did. So what was it that you needed help with again?"

"Just some homework."

"Are you going to get it or just stare at me?"

"Just stare at you." He chuckled and pulled up his backpack. He pulled out a handfull of papers and set them on the table.

"Why....why do you have so much homework?"

"I didn't do anything in class." He slid the paper over to me. "There you go."

I rolled my eyes. "I said I was going to help you, not do it for you."

He sighed,"But doing it for me is so much easier." I moved my chair closer to his and I grabbed a random paper.

"Oh, this is easy." I explained the process and what he needed to do. He looked at me in awe. "Wow, you're smart."

"Thank you." I've heard that so many times that I just doesn't feel like a compliment.


It was about 3pm when we left. I sat in my car exhausted. I just spent three hours helping someone I despise. I must be sick. There was a knock on the window.

"Hey Blondie, you forgot. Im going to buy you lunch."

Shit I did forget,"Its fine, Im not all that hungry."

"Come on, it won't take very long."

"Fine, get in."

He gave me directions to a old rustic pizza place. On the outside it didn't look to interesting, but when you walked in there was vibrant colors everywhere and random decorations that some how fit in. It took me a second to get used to it, but I sort of liked it.

"This place has the best pizza, and the wings are so good." He grabbed my hand and pulled me in. He ordered while I sat down at a table.

A old rock song played, I remember hearing it when I was younger but I couldn't remember the name. Everest sat next to me.

"You know there's two other seats right there?"

"Yeah, but I want to sit next to you Blondie."

I sighed, if he calls me Blondie one more time I'm going to rip out my skull. The waitress soon came with a basket of wings and a small pizza.

Everest gave me a piece and I picked off the mushrooms before eating it, for pizza it was pretty good. It was a little to greasy but it made up for it with smooth cheese that had the best pulls. As well as a crunchy crust and the perfect amount of pepperoni. Not to mention, the wings were amazing, they were hot but not to the point where they were painful, and they weren't over drenched in sauce either.

I hated to admit it but for the first time in the year or two that I've known him, he's finally done something that hasn't completely annoyed me.

"Hey Blondie, you have sauce on your lip."

I take what I said back.

I wiped my mouth with a napkin and he laughed."It's on the other side."

"Why didn't you tell me that." I scowled. We ate the pizza and whatever leftovers were left we split in half. I drove him back to library, since he wanted to walk home.

I parked in the driveway and when I walked inside I was met by my father's voice.

"Where were you!"

"I told you, I was helping a classmate."

"That was almost 4 hours ago?! Have you lost your mind."

"Sorry, It took longer than expected."

He scowled and muttered something that sounded like,"why can't he be more like his brother?"

It didn't really shock me, he compared me to my brother a lot. Since I wasn't interested in sports, my only talent was being able to get good grades. But Dad wanted a son to go play baseball with, not a 'nerd'.

I walked to my room after putting the leftovers away. My sister sat in her bed painting her nails a greyish blue.

"Hey Vince, what me to paint your nails, I just bought some more polish."

"What colors do you have."

"I have this like greyish blue, hot pink, umm forest green, and I think maroon."

"Could I get the green, blue, and red."

"Yeah," she grabbed my hand and painted my nails. "So how was your date."

I felt my face curl in disgust. "That was not a date. He offered me food in exchange for me helping him with homework. Not a date."

"Uh huh, then why do you always talk about him."

"Because he's annoying and childish, and he always calls me 'Blondie' and I hate it. Oh, and he never turns his books in on time and then when I ask him to pay the late fine he all like. ' it's only a day late. Do I have to?' and he does this stupid pouty face." I sighed.

My sister stared at me. "You done?"


"Good, so am I." She closed the lids on her nail polish I looked at them. She did the order in grey blue, maroon, then green. I liked it, it would probably get me in trouble at school, but who cares.

As I waited for my nails to dry I listened to music while drawing random stuff. I had spaced out for a second and I realized I was drawing someone dangerously similar looking to Everest. I quickly erased the drawing and drew something over it.


On the bus home, I showed Alex my nails. "Look, I got my nails painted. What do you think?"

"Aww those are so cute! I love that green, where did you get it from?"

"No idea, my sister painted them."

"Ask her for me. Please."

As we talked, going from topic to topic a person in front of us sat up and said, "Hey Blondie."

I looked up and was met with Everest's stupid grin. "Your nails look nice."

I looked at him suspiciously. Why is he smiling and complimenting me? "What are you planning?"

He gasped dramatically. "How dare you, always assuming I'm up to something...and you're right, can you help me with homework again?"

"What are you going to give me."

"Another date at that pizza place."

"It was not a date. And deal."

He smirked. "See you at 4?"

"Yeah, that will work for me."

"See you then, Blondie" He flashed that impish grin and I felt the rage inside me burn, that asshole.

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