Chapter Five

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Jason's P.O.V

"Jay Jay?" I hear a small voice call for me.

I smile knowing its my little princess. She soon knocks on my office door, and slowly walks in, knowing that I didn't allow anyone in here, or that I would probably get mad if it were anybody else.

I just smiled at her, letting her know it was okay and I wasn't gonna get mad at her.

She walks in and runs over to me, climbing into my lap. I laugh at how attached she has become to me. And honestly- I absolutely loved it. I loved how she had to have me in her sight, how she needed to cuddle with me to sleep, how she craved for my kisses as much as I craved hers. I loved how she could always make me better, even without trying. I loved everything about her, especially her innocence and childlike personality that I tried to hard to maintain for her everything single day. I loved her.

I look down at her and see her playing with my shirt as I continue to sign papers and contracts. "Jay Jay?" Avalanna called me by her new nickname she gave me a while ago. "Hmm?" I hummed in response as I continued to do my work. "C-can we g-go p-play d-dollies?" She asked timidly.

I sighed as I rubbed my face. "Sorry baby girl, I can't right now, Jay Jay had a lot of work to do right now alright? Maybe later." I said as I kissed her head.

"P-please Jay Jay?" She whined. "Avalanna I said no, alright?" I said a little more sternly. She knew I wasn't playing since I said her actual name.

"Jay Jay p-please?" She whispered as she tugged on my shirt, wanting me to go into the living room and play with her.

"AVALANNA I SAID NO!" I screamed at her. I wish I hadn't though, because the pain and fear in her eyes made me hurt so damn much.

"Baby I-" she cut me off my jumping out my lap and shaking her head cutely, tears in her eyes and her pony tail swaying from side to side. "N-no! Avalanna no like Jay Jay! Jay Jay meanie!" She cried as she ran out. I groaned and slammed my fist on the desk. I didn't mean to snap at her, I've just been under a lot of stress lately. I decided to check on her when I was finished with my work.


Avalanna's P.O.V

I ran into the living room to see Dallas sitting there, watching tv, eating some chocolate cake.

He looked up at me and he gave me a concerned look once he got a glimpse of my face and stood up, placing his plastic plate of chocolate cake on the coffee table and walked over to me and brought me into a big, tight hug.

I instantly hugged him back as I cried into his shirt. "What's wrong princess?" He asked me. "J-Jay Jay screamed at me!" I sobbed. Dallas stroked my hair as he shushed me and rocked us back and forth.

"Shh princess, Shh it's okay, he didn't mean it he loves you so so much he's probably just a little busy right now, alright? Give him some time then let him explain okay?" He asked. I nodded and Dallas pulled away and looked me in the eyes, wiping my tears away.

"I-I can have some cake?" I pouted as I pointed to his cake that was still on the table.

He chuckled then nodded. I squealed in happiness, making him laugh again. He sat down on the couch and I take a seat right next to him.

"C-can we p-play d-dollies t-too?" I asked him carefully, scared he'll scream at me just like Jay Jay did.

He bit his lip then looked at me, "You see, I'm a boy, and boys don't really play with dollies." He said. I pouted. "P-please d-Dallas?" I pouted. His expression softened and he groaned and nodded. "Man I'm gonna regret this later." He mumbled to himself.


Dallas's P.O.V

I sat on the floor in the living room, wearing a pink fluffy boa around my neck, and a tiara that was way too small for me, on my head.

Avalanna thought that it would "be just lovely if we dressed up and played tea party with our dollies as well." I still couldn't believe that I was doing this, but it was for Ava, so I agreed.

I'm just glad all the guys went to the football game and wouldn't be able to see me like this.

But of course nothing seemed to be going my way at the moment because it was just then that the front door opened and after I heard a couple of footsteps, I also hear laughter coming from a group of guys.

I sqeeze my eyes shut for five seconds making sure that I wasn't asleep, and this wasn't in fact a dream, when suddenly my thoughts were answered as I felt Ryan come up next to me, still laughing with the rest of the gang.

"Oh Dallas you look so beautiful!" He said, his face red from his own laughter, so was everyone else's. I glare at him and stand up, forgetting I was wearing the pink tutu. Their eyes widened as they laughed even harder and pointed at me.

"Haha.. Get it all out.. It's fucking hilarious!" I said sarcastically. Just then Avalanna came back from her room, with a make up kit.

"Hi!" She smiled at Ryan and the gang. "Hey sweetheart." They greeted her, still laughing at me. "You guys want to play dollies with us? Right now we're having tea!" She said excitedly.

Their laughs ended right away as they all looked at her wide eyed, and I just smirked at them. "Oh yeah guys come on, it's awesome!" I smirked as they all looked at me and glared. I just smiled innocently at them.

As they all coughed nervously, saying they had other places to be or other people to see or things to do, Avalanna walked up to them and put a tiara on each one of their heads.

And not even two minutes later were they all sat around me wearing different colored tutus and boas, and now it was my turn to bust out laughing at them as Avalanna put make up on them, quite horribly if I might add. But hey, she was doing her best.

She giggled at her work when she was done. She didn't put any make up on me after I bribed her with some chocolate cake, and after I fed it to her and looked around at the now traumatized 'badass' gang, I just couldn't stop myself.

I just had to take a picture.


Just a lil filler lolllll 😬

But what'd y'all think ??

Hope y'all enjoyed and again, thanks so much for reading!!


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