Chapter Sixteen

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Jason's P.O.V

"Woah baby girl, slow down." I laugh as Avalanna comes crashing into my chest the next morning. She giggles and looks up at me, "Morning Jay Jay! G-good morning!" She beams up at me. I laugh again and peck her forehead. "Good morning princess, did you sleep good?" I ask as I lead her to the kitchen where I help her sit down in her 'special chair' and make my way over to the pantry and pull out the fruit loops and go over to the fridge and get the milk. "Uh huh! Very good." She mumbles as she plays with the edges of the table with her fingers. I smile at her figure as I walk back over to her, setting the plastic bowl in front of her and pouring both the milk and cereal contents inside and handing her a spoon. "Can't say I don't make you breakfast." I bend down and take the spoonful of cereal she was holding to her lips into my mouth. She scrunches her face up at me and I chuckle with the food still in my mouth and get up to put the 'ingredients' away. "W-what are we doing t-today Jay Jay?" She calls from her seat. I hum and grab the waffles that had just popped up from the toaster and set them on a plate before adding syrup to them and making my way back to the table so I could enjoy breakfast with my princess. "I don't know baby, how about you pick?" I say through a mouthful of waffles. She puts on a thinking face and I look down at the table and smile a small smile before chuckling lightly at her cuteness. "Ohh! I know Jay Jay! I know! W-we can go to the zoo! Yes?" She tilts her head slightly and I smile and nod at her. "That sounds like a great idea baby, how about we invite Jazzy with us? Rachel is probably working today anyway." I shrug. She smiles and nods enthusiastically. "Okay hurry up and finish and I'll call Rachel in a little bit." I nod to her plate. "What are y-you eating Jay Jay?" She asks me after a little while of silence. I raise an eyebrow and look down at my plate at what I knew she knew was waffles. "Waffles?" I say more as a question and look back up at her. "G-good?" She asks quietly. I smirk once I see where we were heading. "Oh yeah! These are the best waffles I have ever eaten, like oh my gosh babe, you have never even eaten waffles until you've tried these!" I moan over dramatically, which she of course thought was real. She licks her lips and stares at my plate and I chuckle lightly, "Would you like some baby doll?" I ask her innocently, in which she smiles and nods. I just nod and grab a forkful of the waffles and hold it up to her lips, in which she gladly takes it and smiles at me happily. "R-really good Jay Jay!" She says. I just shake my head at her and we continue to eat while making small talk. Right when we finished, in comes Tyler running through the kitchen with a shoe in his hands. "Oh hey love birds! Glad to see y'all getting along, hey wanna play a game real quick? It's called 'don't let Alex know I was here' okay? Good. And do me a favor and hide this, I don't care where or what you do with it, just don't give it to him okay?!" He throws the shoe to me before running out the back door and out the backyard where we watch in confusion as his figure makes its way to the side of the house. Alex then comes running in right after and Avalanna immediately starts to giggle uncontrollably as I stuff the shoe behind me. "Where is he?!" Alex asks frantically. I shrug and smile over at Avalanna who was still giggling. "Where is he Avalanna?" He asks her now. She squeals and hides her face in her folded arms on the table. Alex groaned and looks at me, taking a couple of steps closer to me. I raise an eyebrow and smirk. "Woah dude, what makes you think you can come up on me like that? I saw Tyler with your stupid shoe, I think he's in the game room." I squint, trying to remember. He just nods and runs up the stairs, the shoe that was behind my back missing from his left foot. I laugh and shake my head, going to the sink and throwing the shoe out the window carelessly, where it lands in a bunch of plants. I dust my hands off and walk back to Avalanna where I pick her up and she was still a giggling mess in my arms. I shake my head and laugh at her, "You, my baby girl, are one horrible little liar." ....

"Jason!" Jazzy's voice rang through the house when I rung the doorbell. "Jazzy!" I squat down and catch her when she runs into my arms. I stand up with her and spin us around which made her giggle loudly. I chuckle and kiss her cheek before she started looking around. "Where's Ava?" She asks innocently. I smile lightly. "She's in the car waiting for our fun day to start. So you wanna go with her and I grab your bag for you?" I ask her softly. She smiles and I smile back. "Aright." I kiss her cheek again before setting her down and watch as she ran out the house and to the car where I see Ava happily open her door and swoop jazzy into her arms. I smile and shake my head and start looking for my little sisters backpack. "It's right here dumbass." I look up to see Rachel toss the bag to me. I catch it swiftly and give her a look before walking closer to her, she backed up though and I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "W-where is he?" Her voice is so quiet that I barley even heard her. I look away as my answer and she soon catches up. "J-Jason why?" Her voice shook. I knew my sister hated what I do for a living but I had to do it. Because one you start, you're in this life until yours ends. "Rachael, I did what was best for you-" I mumble until she cuts me off. "Killing someone Jason?! Taking away someone's life is what's best for me?!" She cried. I didn't know what to do, I've never seen my sister like this. She was the oldest one in our family and was always the strong one growing up. She took care of me and jazzy when she was born. She was like our second mother. I brought her into my chest but she pushed me away. "Don't touch me Jason. Don't ever fucking touch me. You've done enough." Her makeup was running now and I could see all the scratches and bruises clearly. Before I could say anything she ran upstairs. "Bring Jazzy back when y'all's day is over!" She screams from upstairs before I hear the door slam shut. "Fucking shit!" I curse as I bang my fist into the wall beside me, creating a fresh hole. I groaned and stepped over the remains that were now on the floor. I had to compose myself before going to the car. I had my girl and little sister to think about.

And I wasn't gonna fuck their day up again....

When I low-key have five new stories in my works😁😁

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