Skit 15 - Missing the sun

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Skit 15 - Missing the sun
(I've been neglecting Wattpad for no reason, again, thank you @mejr1130😭)

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(🌙's POV:)

I walked to Dogdays house, he didn't visit me for awhile... I opened the door without knocking and found no one there, but the window... was broken...

"What the..." I whispered to myself and walked towards the broken window and found Dogdays pendant hanging from one of the glass shards with a bit of blood.

I stepped back a little and fell onto my knees. "No... no! This can't be happening again" I said with a shaky voice.. I could feel my heart rate skyrocketing.

I tried to get up, but my legs had failed me, I grabbed Dogdays pendant and held it close to mine. I tried to smell him out, but I couldn't smell anything other then blood..

I panicked. 'This can't be happening again.. no this can't be happening.' I kept on repeating. "Staying here isn't gonna help me." I managed to utter and got up while still shaking.

Panicking won't do me good in this situation.. I need to find Dogday.. I jumped out from the previous broken window, making sure the shards don't touch me, and made my way towards the forest.

I saw a hole in the dome and wondered 'why was there a hole there...?' as I got closer to inspect it, I could smell the faint scent of Dogday mixed with blood, I felt panicked, but managed to contain it and replaced it with anger.

I shifted to my true form and rushed inside the hole in the wall, making my way deeper into the factory, as I could smell the scent of Dogday hey stronger.

I shifted back into my normal form and found Dogday standing in front of... Dogday?? What the hell.

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(☀️'s POV:)

I was taken against my own will by my....self? What the hell. "Who are you? And... why do you look like me except... wayyy bigger..?" I questioned him as I inspected from head to toe.

"I am you, but the bigger body." Me- I mean Dogday? Uhh, I'm just gonna refer to him as 'DD' for now. "And why did you decide to kidnap me." I asked as DD stared back at me nervously. "To get you away from him..." DD explained, even though it made no sense..

"Who do you mean by him?" I asked very confused. "Catnap." DD said blatantly, catnap? Why, was I- I mean DD trying to get me away from catnap?

"Give him back." I heard catnaps voice behind me, as I saw catnap with his puffy tail and laid back ears, he seemed pissed.

"No, I refused to let you harm him." DD yelled as his eyes were full of determination to protect me. "Harm him? Why would I hurt my best friend.?" Catnap questioned confused as his laid back ears went back to normal, but his tail was still puffy.

DD stood silent and stared at me then back to catnap. "Because you hurt me." DD said quietly. "Hurt you? I have never met you before..?" Catnap said genuinely as he stood next to me.

DD once again stood silent. "Where am I?" He suddenly asked. "And where is the player?" He asked again as he looked around. "Player? Who is player? And you are at Playtime co." I explained, DD seemed rather confused.

We all stood there in silence, before catnap broke it. "Do you seriously not remember anything?" Catnap asked curiously. "No.. I don't, and why do you look different.. so small.." DD questioned as he kneeled down and stared at catnap closely.

"You look smaller, brighter?" DD said softly. "Are you really catnap?" He asked. "Uhm yes?" Catnap said while tilting his head. None of this made sense to me, DD knows catnap, but catnap seems genuinely confused.

I spotted a small piece of paper on the ground and picked it up, it said

"Dear toys

I made an error and will fix it very soon, you might stumble upon strange and new toys, but please do not mind them any attention, they will soon be removed. This mistake will not be repeated.

Yours truly; CEO of Playtime CO"

"Uhm, guys." I said as I passed the paper to DD. "Oh, I see the problem now..." DD said and chuckled slightly. "Sorry that I kidnapped you Dogday." DD said and dropped the paper as he got up and left the scene.

"Well that was random." Catnap said as he turned to me. He then took out my pendant from his hoodies pocket and gave it to me. "I saw this at your house near the broken window and took it with me in case I found you." Catnap said as he pulled me into a tight embrace. "You scared me Sunny." Catnap said and I just chuckled in response...

812 words!
Don't mind the grammar I just don't feel like reviewing and fixing so I'll do that later XD.
I didn't feel like adding hoppy :( + this chapter is truly confusing

I didn't feel like adding hoppy :( + this chapter is truly confusing

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