26- Trap & Warning

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Raghavendra's POV

Sitting in my office cabin, my mind wandered through the labyrinth of the past few days, navigating the intricate web of emotions and schemes that had brought me to this point. 

I recalled the events leading up to my marriage to Manyata, a union forged not out of love, but out of necessity for revenge against Rohan.

As I reflected on Manyata's unwitting involvement in my vendetta, a pang of guilt tugged at my conscience. 

I knew she was not to blame; she had simply fallen prey to the charms of a man unworthy of her affection. 

Rohan, in my eyes, was a despicable character, undeserving of someone as pure-hearted as Manyata. 

Yet, as I chastised Rohan in his thoughts, a voice within myself mocked me my own worthiness of Manyata's love.

The memory of my past love, Latika, haunted me like a specter from another life. 

Latika had been the first person I had allowed into my heart after the loss of my mother, and her betrayal had left me shattered and disillusioned. 

Since then, I had closed myself off to the possibility of love, viewing it as a weakness to be exploited by others. 

Yet, despite my resolve to remain indifferent, Manyata's presence had begun to thaw the icy walls around my heart, stirring emotions I had long thought dormant.

Amidst my personal turmoil, thoughts of my chacha Nirved Shergill intruded, a stark reminder of the treachery that lurked even within my own family. 

The betrayal of his kin had left me feeling betrayed and alone, fueling the flames of my anger and determination to assert my dominance.

And then there was Chitra, my scheming chachi, whose resentment simmered beneath the surface like a dormant volcano waiting to erupt. 

I knew how to navigate the treacherous waters of her animosity, but I also knew that her ambitions posed a constant threat.

Lost in contemplation, I grappled with the complexities of my emotions, torn between the desire for vengeance and the yearning for something more.

In the world I inhabited, where trust was a rare commodity and betrayal lurked around every corner, I knew that I could ill afford to let my guard down. 

Yet, as I gazed out of my office window, a flicker of hope ignited within me, whispering of the possibility of redemption and a chance for love amidst the chaos of my tumultuous existence.

Raghavendra's POV ends

Manyata's POV

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