Chapter 6: Challenge

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-Song Ji Hyo-
"Yah, what does she think she's doing?" I heard HaHa say loudly.

I stomped up to the top of the grand staircase. I noticed everyone looking at me and took a deep breath before saying, "You probably think that I don't care about what you're doing to me. But what I want you to know is that I do and I'm not going to take anymore of your crap. Stop bullying me and the other students that got chosen during Jai Ho." I glanced at Joongki and Gary then stared at everyone else. Kim Jong Kook was muttering something to Eun Hye who laughed. I cleared my throat and continued, "If the Jai Ho students get top ten in the semester exams, then all of you have to accept us into this school and stop attacking us every time you see us in the hallways!"

"So this applies to only you guys? We can still bully the other Jai Ho students in the up coming years?" Choi Jin Hyuk asked.

I scoffed. What is wrong with these people. "No! This goes out to every Jai Ho student, even the ones from next year and the year after that and that and so on."

I noticed Gary who's mouth fell open probably thinking, How does she expect us to get in the top ten? I shrugged at him then focused on everyone else who was muttering and whispering to each other. "So what do you say?"

"How do you expect to make it to the top ten?" Kwang Soo asked.

I crossed my arms and glared at Jong Kook who was staring at me. "Just wait and see."

"Yah, are you crazy? I can't even tell the difference between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes." Gary exclaimed as we headed down the hallway.

Students were staring and pointing at us, but I just ignored them. Joongki and Lizzy just looked straight ahead and didn't say anything about it.

Nickhun opened the science lab door for me. It was empty inside, except for the writings on the wall that told the chosen students to leave the school.

"How are we going to pass the test? I mean I'm smart, but I'm not a genius. Math is my weakest subject Ji Hyo." Nichkhun said.

Lizzy sighed. "That was so not a good idea. You should've talked to us about it first before going and doing that Ji Hyo."

I turned around and stared at the writings on the wall. "The number one thing that will help you pass these exams is confidence. I don't know about you, but I hate smelling like eggs and baking powder every single day. If you don't want to be able to walk around the school without getting pelted, then that's fine by me. But I don't want to live a life like that anymore. these people ruined my life outside of school, and I won't let them do it anymore. They even took my house away from me."

"She's right. If we work hard and truly try our best.... we might even get in the top five and knock out Kang Min Hyuks number one ranking." Joongki smiled. "We can all help each other out. What do you say?"

Gary glanced at me then nodded. "Okay, we can do this."

Nickhun stuck out his right hand. "Fighting?"

I stared at Joongki, Gary and Lizzy with a smile and put my hand on top of Nichkhun's. Then it was Joongki's, Gary's then Lizzy's. We all smiled and shouted "FIGHTING!"

"What's going on?" I asked Kwang Soo who just bumped into me. He looked like he was in a rush.

"K-Kim Jong Kook and..." Kwang Soo stammered. "And Yoo Jae Suk... Ddak-Ji competition."

I looked around and noticed a ton of students running past me. Kwang Soo and I both looked at each other and followed the other students. They ran into a gym where Jae Suk and Jong Kook were having a serious Ddak-Ji competition. Jong Kook stood to the side when it was Jae Suk's turn.

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