Sweeter Than Fiction

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"So fold this, tuck this and yeah make sure his head is in. Perfect." I move away from the carrier and smile at my work. Picking up my bag and crossbow I check he has enough room to breathe.
"If he gets too heavy tell me so we can take a break or switch over." Izzy nods and grabs Nate's and her joint bag. Izzy has been quiet lately and I'm starting to get worried.
We figure out quickly that Nathan had a fever and so we made sure he got fluids and cooled off. He's been in a good mood, trying to crawl and reaching for things. Izzy on the other hand, she's more reserved, not as sarcastic. I make sure everything is packed up and let Bella have a head start, I turn around and notice Izzy's bow and pick it up with a sigh. I made another holder in my bag to hold her weapon so she can focus on keeping Nate secure rather than having to carry so much.
"I was thinking we could skip this town and circle around here. It would be faster." I say pointing out on the map my plan. Izzy doesn't even glance at it before responding unenthusiastic.
"Sure." I fold the map up and slide it into my back pocket along with the photo. I grab her arm and pull her back. She's facing me but can't make eyecontact.
"What's happened?" She doesn't respond but instead tucks her hands together. Her hands are behind her back while Nate's head is lazily pressed against her chest and she's shifting around nervously.
"Iz, please talk to me." She stays silent and it's breaking me. I understand that we haven't known eachother long but I feel like she should be able to trust me.
"Is it something I've done?" She shakes her head and I purse my lips. I kneel down into a crouch position so she can see my eyes.
"You can trust me Bella. I wanna help." She looks at me pleadingly but she doesn't break her silence. I want her to trust me.
"How about we play a game?" She looks confused as I stand and dust myself off. I start our walk again and she matches my pace.
"Okay." She mutters in a small voice and I smile at her response.
"Last name?" She raises an eyebrow before mumbling.
"Harrison." I nod impressed and answer the same question.
"Jackson. But you already knew that." I say with a kind smile and she nods. I point at her.
"Your turn." She takes a bit of time to respond and I'm afraid that she's going back into her shell but she surprises me.
"Favorite movie?" I chuckle and hum thoughtfully.
"Really pulling out the hard stuff there. Ooooh I'd have to say Titanic, it's my comfort movie." She shakes her head at me and scrunches her face up at my choice.
"It's so sad though, Jack dies and Rose has to live on without him." I smile sadly and nod before realising how similar our lives are.
"Maybe, but at least they had eachother for that time. If they never met then Rose would've married someone else, someone she didn't love. At least she learned she deserved better and that she could have better." Izzy raises her eyebrows impressed and I'm happy I've broke through her wall even if it is only for a little bit.
"Yours?" She looks down embarrassed and I wait for her to answer.
"Moana," she says sucking in a breathe probably waiting for me to laugh.
"Good choice! The soundtrack on that film is incredible. Disney just ain't making them the way they used to." She nods and grimaces at her response.
"Unpopular opinion but the new Disney is so shit. Like Wish and all that, ew." I give her an unimpressed look.
"Language but I'll let you get away with it since I agree." I think about my next question and bite my lip.
"You like to draw?" She blushes and nods, I smile and scratch my arm.
"I don't mean to brag or anything but I like to play guitar and some other instruments. I also designed my tattoos but never done them myself my friend Mapi does them for me." She looks at me shocked.
"That's so cool! How many have you got?" I shrug and try to count them.
"I don't really remember all them. You lose count after a while." She licks her lips and I throw out another question.
"Any sports?" She nods and counts them out.
"Netball, athletics and swimming." I raise my eyebrows impressed.
"I've only ever been interested in football but I tried sprints and was decent. I couldn't imagine doing netball, athletics and swimming." She smiles embarrassed and I notice that her sarcasm only ever comes out when she's nervous. Maybe I'm getting through her walls. Maybe the quiet Izzy is the real her. She probably has her attitude and sarcasm to protect her.
"I mean I was thinking of quitting them and only focusing on netball." I nod and change the rules so I can ask another question.
"Position?" She responds straight away.
"Goal shoot." I cheer and she cringes.
"I was a striker for football, I'm just so happy that you played upfield or upcourt, I guess?" She nods and her smile lights up her face. I only notice her dark brown eyes that look similar to mine. They have this odd shine to them that I've only ever seen in my own. Her next question snaps me out of my daze.
"Who exactly are we looking for and why?" I sigh and run my hands through my hair.
"My teacher Mrs P. She was the only person there for me constantly after my mum died not including Less and my friends. She was like a parent to me. She'd go to football games, taught me piano and just supported me. I found out she was alive and that she was making her way to someplace a man said to go to. I need to save her like she saved me." She processes this information.
"Seems like a pretty good reason to risk your life." I laugh slightly and I feel lighter.
"Trust me it is. As much as I miss Less, I needed to leave Hillside." She bobbles her head innocently. Sometimes I forget she's only eight.
"Understandable." I decide now is a good enough time to ask what I wanted to.
"What got you so upset?" She freezes up and I notice her hand that was resting on Nathan's head start to shake, I don't think she notices but I grab it just to calm her down. We walk together hand in hand and she takes her time to answer.
"I was so scared that Nate was gonna die and I was going to be left here on my own. When I seen him being sick over and over again I froze. I froze, and that could've killed him. I could've killed him and now I'm terrified that something bad is going to happen and it'll get him killed." I shake my head and pull her into my side.
"Kid that's bullshit and you know it. He's safe with us okay? And if something did happen to him it wouldn't of been your fault. You froze, so what? You're a kid and you've already had a pretty tough life that so many adults couldn't cope with. Seeing him so vulnerable was obviously going to frighten you. I don't blame you for freezing and neither would he." She nods into my chest and I'm happy she's opening up. I realise she might not want to talk anymore and so I offer up something else.
"Story time?" She smiles and nods rapidly.

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