We Were Happy

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We make it out of the city safely, sticking to alleys and paths that don't take us down main roads we are able to get straight out. Currently we are making our way through a small forest and are looking for the outpost Mrs P is at. My mind is running through a plan on where I can put the kids so they aren't in danger.
"What are you looking for?" Izzy asks tugging my hand, I look down to her and then scan my eyes around the forest.
"Somewhere to stay." She nods and purses her lips.
"Cool." She mumbles and I chuckle at her cuteness. I'm currently carrying Nate on my hip as his head is moving around trying to see the area. I've been trying to let him have some memories of outside gate so when he comes back to Hillside he won't feel so unattached to the rest of the world. I'm pointing out things hoping he'll say his first word soon.
"Tree." I say pointing at one, he sticks his hands out and babbles.
"He's only ten months old." I shrug and repeat the word again only to have even more spit covering my arm.
"I said my first word around his age." She reaches for my hand and slips her finger into it. I look down at her and she keeps her eyes away from mine. I don't make a big deal out of it and instead lock our hands together.
"What are you looking forward to?" I ask to keep the silence from lasting too long she gulps before answering in a small voice.
"Other kids." I smile brightly and nod.
"And you can't wait to finally admit your feelings to Alessia." I laugh but can't help my cheeks warming up. I let Iz take my cap and tug it down her head.
"It suits you." She smiles before taking it off and looking at it.
"Where did you get it?" I can't help but smile at the memory and put on a voice. She giggles but I continue.
It's my first match for Arsenal U21s today and I'm really nervous. I'm packing my bag looking for my boots before I see them sitting out, grabbing them I tuck them in neatly. I grab sunglasses as it's very sunny out. I open the door and walk down the stairs with my bag slung over my shoulder, I notice my dad's figure slumped on the sofa passed out. I do the usual routine taking the bottle out of his hand and setting it beside him on the table. I rub my tired eyes and watch his chest rise and fall.
He's not like he was, I miss him, the real him. The dad who'd cheer when I scored a goal passed him. The dad who taught me how to play football and how to cook. I remember when I was little and we were making a birthday cake for mum. I'd stick my finger in the raw batter but he didn't tell me off even though he caught me instead he'd lift me up and tickle me relentlessly. I'm brought out of the memory by the door slamming open. This isn't my father anymore. I move away from him and walk towards the hall, I notice the familiar build of my Uncle John.
"Uncle J!" I shout running into his arms. He laughs and picks me up, he hugs me tight.
"Hey kiddo." His rough voice grumbles.
"I-I thought you were away for work." He nods and scratches his beard.
"Couldn't miss your big day, could I?" A smile dances across my face and my stomach flips.
"What if I don't play good?" I ask, I'm only just seventeen and I feel the pressure mounting on my shoulders. I'm playing with girls up to the age of twenty and they want to start me.
"You're a Jackson, of course you'll do good. You were born to play." My heart beats faster as he grabs my bag I dumped onto the ground and wraps an arm around my shoulder.
"You got a hat?" He asks and I shake my head, he takes the one off his head, the one he uses for the army and hands it to me.
"It's lucky, keeps me safe so it'll help you play" I smile and put it on.
"Thanks." I mumble and he ignored it. We go to the match and I start my warmup, I keep the hat on the whole time. Looking up to the stands I see Mrs P, Uncle J and Less all huddled together. When they notice me looking they wave and I laugh. Turning to Leah she throws an arm around me. She already debuted a while back making some crucial saves landing herself a regular starting postion.
"You'll be fine Ro." I breathe out and blush slightly as she pulls me into her.
"I hope so." I mutter making my way into the locker room. Putting my shirt on felt different and I trace the outline of my name and number. I chose thirteen for Uncle John he always said thirteen was his number and I'm hoping it will bring me some luck too. Setting the cap on my bag, I tie my laces again and move to lineup. My first goal comes from a set piece, the ball comes flying in and I take it on my chest and shoot as it drops to my foot. It places itself in the top corner and I play it off naturally. I don't want to make a big fuss over one goal, I know I can do more. We are up by one going into halftime and although we are winning I know we'll be getting some firm words for all the missed opportunities. I'm especially annoyed at one of my missed opportunities it hit the bar and bounced out. I'm brought back into the present as I hear Coach speak.
"We are being lazy upfront we are lucky Rory scored, we need to go out and score. Break away from the defence they are keeping you too tight together. Unlucky about the other shot Rory but we need more intensity." Coach speaks slowly but with a fire to her words that lights that temper inside of me. I'm the first one out on the pitch and I focus. The girl marking me has been kicking my legs for most of the first half and I'm not having it.
Straight away from kickoff I make a nice pass to one of the other forwards and they cut it back for me to blast into the net. I high five them and a couple of others pat my head, ecstatic that I scored a brace. I know I have more though. Looking into the crowd I watch Less and Uncle J out of their seats clapping. Mrs P is smiling at their enthusiasm and I wave up at them. It's nearing the eighty minute mark and I'm hungry for the last one, Leah notices my run and slots it over the head of everyone staying onside I dash for it, it falls on my back foot and I kick it up and turn for my last touch (like the Phil Foden thing) before blasting it into the goal. This one had me buzzing and I'm racing for the corner flag. The match is bing covered on TV because it's the cup final. I imitate taking a hat off and I point to Uncle J in the crowd. The rest of the girls jump on my back as my arms are outstretched. I'm laughing and I notice Coach is happily jumping up and down. The last five minutes we play it simple but the girl marking me was pissed and decided to dig her boot into my calve. I go down but stand up straight away. The ref blows her whistle but I'm in her face.
"You really wanna do something then do it." I spit and she looks afraid. My teammates pull me back and she gets booked. The final whistle blows not long later and I go straight to the crowd.
"Good job Ror!" Less exclaims grabbing me into a hug, I smile happy that my bestfriend saw me do well.
"Well done Aurora." Mrs P says modestly but I can hear the happiness in her voice. I turn to my Uncle but he just grabs me and pulls me over the barricade.
"I'm so proud of you kid!" He mumbles into my ear and I'm caught off guard by his emotions. He sets me down and I clear my throat to stop the tears.
"You better keep the hat then." He mumbles faking annoyance, I laugh and hop back over. I shrug pretending not to care as Leah and a few others pull me into the award ceremony.
End of Flashback
"That's cool," she breathes out and I nod. Looking at little Nate I smile as he pokes my cheek, I pull a face and he giggles cutely. My attention moves to Marlow as he barks. I notice an old man standing outside a house and he seems to notice me. I stop in my tracks and Iz goes for her bow, I shake my head for her to stop and she does. The man moves towards us and I keep Nate close to my chest. His eyes catch Marlow then Izzy and finally Nate and I.
"You better come in then." He answers gruffly before turning on his heels. I tilt my head trying to figure him out. Can I trust him? Is it safe?
"Do we follow?" Bella whispers and I look down at her not sure what to say.

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