No Body No Crime

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AN- TW pedophilia, unwanted leg touching, cannibalism and Aurora being a badass

Darkness always scared me, whether it was the darkness my mind tortured me with or physical darkness, it always found a way to terrify me. Uncle John tried to train me in overcoming this fear, for the most part he was successful, I no longer had to sleep with a nightlight but I still had this fear of darkness inside me. So when I went down with darts sticking from my skin I didn't think of my family nor did I think about Less, I though about how I want to escape the dark dots seeping in through my vision.
When I woke up I had no idea that today would be the day I broke so many of my principals, so many of my values that differentiate me from the bad. But I made a promise and I don't break promises. A bag was placed over my head and the darkness surrounding my vision caused my breathing to go shallow. I could see very little and the light I figured out was shining above me was exposing the holes in the bag. I moved my hands around and the familiar feeling of rope comforted me. I can escape rope, chains and metal are more difficult. Amateur I mutter inside my head. I feel the knot tied around my hands and I realise it's tighter than I first thought. I grunt when I hear a metal door slamming shut.
The bag is lifted from my head, the light stinging my eyes and yet the first thing I saw was a bald man with glasses inches from my face. I put into practise everything I was taught, look vulnerable but not vulnerable enough that you can't get by in this world. Avoid eyecontact and act nervous, you aren't trained so don't act like it. They are more likely to pity someone fragile so be fragile and when they least expect it, you take him down. So I do this, I look down and appear frightened.
"What's a girl like you doing all the way out here?" Don't loose your temper, they don't waste time on tempered people, you'll be dead before you know it.
"I need help, my camp got overrun and I heard that you were offering help." I appear desperate, just enough so he feels like he has all the control.
"Where are you from little girl?" He's old and creepy but I need to act intimidated, act afraid.
"London." I stutter and he raises his eyebrows. Shit, I've messed up.
"All the way from London with no weapons." He wonders and I think quick on my feet.
"I had weapons but some men with a car gave me a ride, they tried to kill me at night and I ran away and left the weapons with them." He hums and rubs his bald head, he turns so his back is facing me.
"See, I don't believe you." He states, his words rolling off his tongue and sending me into silence. If they don't believe you, you make them believe you.
"These men tried to attack you and you got away, unscathed." I shake my head and he motions for me to answer.
"I have a scar from where they cut me, on my arm." I wiggle the arm where the men who killed Alice hurt me.
"You can check if you want." I state trying to act like I need their help. He nods and bends down, moving my arm in his hands he finds it and runs one finger across it. It sends shivers down my spine and I feel all kinds of wrong oozing from him.
"That's a very nice story you've spun Rory, can I call you Rory?" I mask my emotions quickly. He knows my name but how? Did they bring Mrs P in to confirm it? I stay silent and he paces infront of me.
"I don't like being taking for a fool Rory and I know you aren't who you say you are. I think you're a lot stronger than you are making out to be." I fiddle with the back of my jacket and grab the knife. I start cutting it slowly so as to not draw attention. There's no point trying to act different now and so I raise my eyes to him.
"Do you know how the Outbreak really happened Rory?" I don't say anything and so he continues.
"God sent them for us, to right our wrongs and chose the worthy ones for heaven. Those that turn are dammed to hell and the survivors they rise to the almighty God, saviour of heaven and earth." He smiles crazily and walks towards me, I stop cutting.
"It's Judgement Day." He whispers, his breathe reaching my face and touching my skin, it freaks me out a bit on the inside but I remain as unbothered as ever.
"Nothing fazes you Rory and I'm impressed. When I said your name I got no reaction, no movement but I want to know what makes you tick. What gets a rise out of you?" He mutters, his hand falling on the inside of my thigh, I know what he wants to do to me and I don't want to think about what he done to Mrs P. His fingers trace up my leg and I freeze, my eyes following his hand. He stops and stands up. My cutting continues.
"I think we could be good partners Rory, rule this establishment together, what do you say?" He turns suddenly and my hand shakes where the knife was cutting. I don't say anything, no words leave passed my lips, despite me wanting to call him out for clearly he's done some pretty wrong stuff in his life.
"You're very quiet, aren't you?" He laughs creepily and walks towards the door, I can't let him leave.
"What have you done with her?" I croak out and he turns.
"So you do talk, but I need a little more information on who exactly you're talking about." He eyes my figure and I clench my jaw.
"Lisa Pearl, she came from London followed a man on the radio to this location. What have you done with her?" I growl and he knocks the door. It opens suddenly and they shove someone inside and wheel some sort of table in too. It has straps and the person, who I know now is a girl is brought to the table. He sets her on and it's like she's given up. He straps her in and turns back to me.
"Lisa Pearl." He murmurs and I notice the girl on the table turns her head. No, it can't be her. He takes her blindfold off and I at once notice the familiar eyes of Mrs P. She notices me too and tears litter down her face.
"Oh Aurora, I'm so sorry I've got you into this mess." I tug at the rope and move, more tears threaten to spill and I shake my head.
"I knew you were still alive everyone said you weren't but I knew it. I knew it." She smiles sadly and I want to reach for her hand, to hold it and comfort her. She's frail now, leaner and older. Not the same Mrs P from all those years ago. Not my Mrs P.
"Oh this is so heartwarming, I hate to break it up but my people are hungry and so I need to get started on dinner." I panic as I notice the butchers knife stuck to the side of the table.
"Wait, wait, wait!" I shout and he turns to me shocked by my outburst.
"How did you know my name was Rory?" I ask this carefully, I remember Mrs P refused to call me it and so it can't have been her. He sets the knife down and acts like he forgot.
"Oh yes thanks for reminding me. The only way I know you weren't telling the truth was because not long after you came in a little girl with the most awfulest temper came in after you. She woke up just before you asking for a Rory, I found it odd, we don't normally get two visitors in one day and so I gathered you were together." I freeze at his words and he takes pleasure in this my eyes widen and he smiles menacingly.
"She's very young but the younger the better I say." I finally finish cutting the rope and now I need him to come closer.
"Don't you dare touch her." I growl and he backs up surprised.
"No, I'll enjoy my time with her, they'll grow up and it won't be as fun anymore." My eyes flash up to his and my anger takes over.
"If you touch her I'll kill you!" I shout. He rushes towards me, perfect. He grabs my faces and spits his next words at me.
"I am the leader and I'll do what I wa-" I cut him off, my knife finds his jugular and he's falling. I stand up and I've done it. I killed a human, I killed the living. His blood sprayed my face and yet my anger is still present. I rip my knife out and he stills, I walk passed him, his blood sticking to my hands and I help Mrs P off the table.
"Are you okay? Can you walk?" She nods at me noticeably confused about the little girl but I haven't got time for it. I need to find Izzy.
"Okay, Rory think you need to think." I whisper pacing the room the knife waving in the air, my breathe is shaky and all I can think about is how Bella is probably terrified and I should have made sure she couldn't get out. I run my hands through my hair and the blood smears on my face.
"You've always been messy." She tuts grabbing her blindfold and soaking it in a bucket beside the table. She moves towards me and cleans my face. She smiles reassuringly and yet I'm only thinking about one thing. I pull away and she installs my confidence back into myself.
"You do what you need to do, I don't know who this little girl is but she seems important and we'll get her safe no matter the consequences." I nod and think of a plan. Once it comes into my head I don't think it through I just do it. I push Mrs P behind me move to the door and knock it. I lie my back flat against the wall and watch as another man comes in. I jump on his back and he suffers the same fate as bald guy. He collides with the floor, my knee lands on his back and I watch as a heavy duty gun clatters to the gun.
"Perfect." I roll the man over and notice he's wearing a bulletproof vest. I take it off and hand it to Mrs P.
"What about you?" I smirk and shake my head.
"I won't get hit. I never get hit." She nods and slips it on. I help by clipping it on and tightening the straps. She nods telling me it's sitting fine and so I grab the gun checking the ammo and reloading it. She stays behind me as I move methodically, I don't count how many go down and I turn faster than their bodies hitting the floor. Turning corners and watching as dozens fall victim to me doesn't satisfy it sinks in my chest but I always said that I would do what was necessary if they were in danger.
I'm faintly aware of the alarm blaring and the footsteps of more and more people rushing for me. I don't think about their families, I think about mine and I leave more and more bodies behind. I grab one of them and pull them behind a corner. Bullets are smacking the wall sending plaster flying in the air and dancing.
"Where do you put the kids?" He points to the map on the side and to another section. I don't kill him but instead throw him to his friends the movement causes the others to fire and I use him as a shield killing the others before dropping him to the ground. Every so often I check that Mrs P is still behind me. Making it to the place he pointed out I notice the metal lock and curse myself.
I try shooting it but it does nothing, I think back to my training days and so I bring the gun down on it a couple of times. I grunt each time before it falls off. I kick the door open and see her crawled up unconscious. I drop beside her and take her into my arms. Holding the gun one handed and her draped across my shoulder I make my way to the front door. I'm surrounded and I search the map for another way out. I notice that there is a place on the map for vehicles and I motion for us to go there. I cleared the building and we make it to the cars faster than I thought. I'm choosing between cars and I notice an old army bulletproof one. Hopping in I slide her into the backseat. Mrs P takes the driver seat and I use the gun firing at anyone who comes close, we smash through rows of people and floor it to the gate. I notice a metal fenced part to it compared to the concrete. We break through it and are driving for the cabin. We slow down and I hop out. I barge into the front door where I find Flo and Michael pacing the room.
"Oh Aurora we can't fin-" I cut in before she finishes.
"I know she's in the car, the plan didn't go the way I thought and we may have some not so friendly company soon." I grab the supplies i had set out and get everything I had before they helped us. Marlow runs up to me and I pet him before he runs for the car. Flo hands me Nathan and I hold him carefully. Michael grabs a car seat and I raise my head.
"We found it and were going to offer you our car but since you have one now you can just have the seat." I nod thanks and I'm pulled into another rushed hug by Flo.
"You keep those kids safe." I nod and thank them. I go to open the door but stop.
"Come with us." I utter and they both shake their heads.
"If we were younger maybe we could but a journey like yours would kill us off, we'd rather spend our time together." They both smile at eachother and I hand Michael the gun.
"Protect yourselves." They both nod and I shake his hand before leaving. It was difficult, they helped us so quickly without a reason and I'm heartbroken that I have to leave them but I need to keep my family safe and go home to the other part of me.
I throw the bags into the boot and in the distance I can see cars driving out way. Quickly clipping Nate into the car seat I throw myself back into the car.
"You've got a baby too!" She exclaims and I motion for her to shut up.
"We'll have a catch up once death isn't chasing us." She puts the car into gear and floors it again. I run my hands through my hair and laugh totally confused on how the fuck we got out of there alive.
"You crazy girl." Mrs P mutters and I laugh before an uneasiness settles on my chest. I killed people, I'm no longer the Aurora Jackson that everyone knows.

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