Late Night Talks with Us

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Dorothy's P.O.V


I slowly moved the covers off of me, being quiet so I wouldn't wake Toto. Then I quickly slipped out of bed and tip-toed over to the door. I patted the door in several different places before finding the door knob, turning it and opening the door just enough for me to slip through quietly, softly closing the door behind me.

I looked both ways while in the hallway. Seeing as no one was coming I tip-toed across the hallway up to Scarecrow's bedroom door. I raised my hand to knock on it before a thought entered my head. What if he is asleep? Then you would probably wake him up by knocking on the door! I made a face at this thought. Then I decided to listen for any signs he could be awake. So I pressed my ear up against his door. I strained my ears to hear any sort of sign that he was wake. After a moment, I heard footsteps coming closer to the door and I panicked, trying to think of something I could do to seem like less of a stalker.

Scarecrow's P.O.V


I had all of my lights turned off except for my lamp right next to my bed, of which I was laying in, settling down for the night with a book. After a little while of reading I heard the small pitter patter of footsteps approaching my room. I looked up and saw two small shadows of someone's feet. So I sat there, waiting to hear a knock. Only that knock never came. Whoever it was just stood there. Curious I moved my covers off of me and made my way to the door, earning a sudden gasp and more pitter patter of feet. Then I opened my door, just to be met with the sight of a flustered Dorothy, laying on her stomach in the middle off the hallway as though she had fallen. I raised an eyebrow at this, being confused by the sight before me. "Um. Dorothy? Why are you laying on the ground, in the middle of the hallway?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Well I-uh I had umm come out here to... get some fresh air and I uh, fell. Yeah I fell and I just haven't gotten up yet!" She said, stuttering and stumbling over her words. I didn't believe a single word she said but I took it anyway, deciding not to bother trying to get the truth out of her. I sighed, walking up to her and bending down, holding my hand out for her to help her up. Once she grabbed my hand I pulled her up to her feet, momentarily holding her up in the air. "Why don't you come hang out with me for a little while? I can't sleep either." I offered, still holding onto her hand.

"Sure, that sounds fine to me." She replied, giving me one of her usual big and bright smiles. I couldn't help but to smile some myself at this. Then with that, I led her into my room, closing the door behind us. Then I walked up and sat on my bed, Dorothy coming up and sitting nearby me. "I see that you found the nightgown in the bathroom." I commented, looking at the silver nightgown. It's very pretty on her, but blue looks much better on her. I said in my mind, quickly running my eyes up and down her before returning my gaze back towards her blue eyes. "Yeah, the bathroom shocked me." She said in reply, looking down at the dress herself before looking up at me again.

"Why because it wasn't green?" I asked, smiling since I already knew the answer. I just wanted to see what her reaction would be. "Yes!" She exclaimed, "Oh my gosh I nearly passed out when I saw it! There wasn't a hint of green anywhere in there! I was expecting something green to pop out and ruin the whole moment but as far as I know there was nothing green in there."

I nodded at her words, "Yeah I'm going to get the whole green room thing fixed for you."

"Oh really, you don't have to." She replied, trying to deny my offer again. I frowned at this, not liking the fact that she was rejecting something I was offering her. I decided not to argue with her about it and just tried to change the topic. "So, your world. Kansas." I started to ask her, "What's it like?"

"Well, it's nothing like here that's for sure. There are cars, planes, large grocery stores, big name restaurants, the roads are much different that the ones around here, same with the cities. We can't communicate with the animals there like we can here. Also if let's say you or Tin Man were there,  you would either be inanimate objects or you would be in science labs for testing." She replied, making several hand gestures. I immediately wanted to ask her lots of questions. Science labs? Cars? Planes? Grocery stores? It was a lot to take in but I still wanted some answers. "What are cars and planes?" I asked finally, deciding to go for the two that sounded like they were somewhat related to each other.

"Cars and planes? They're vehicles. They transport people to different places. A car is like a carriage but it has an engine inside that makes it go without needing horses. Planes also have an engine but they are able to fly in the air, unlike cars, which just roll on the ground on wheels. It's kinda hard to explain them in detail though. Vehicles aren't exactly in my interests." She explained the technology in her world, which fascinated me.

"I had no clue technology was so advanced in your world." I said, amazed.

"Says the one who moved a freaking rainbow!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in a gesture towards me.

"All I did was invent and use a prismatic tubular inter-dimensional transporter device. Nothing special unlike these vehicles you spoke of."

"You know. It's kinda hard to believe this whole world technology thing." Dorothy then said after we had a small moment of silence.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, leaning back against the head board of my bed.

"Well, you moved a rainbow and have seen people fly using magic but didn't know what a car was nor had one been invented here. And cars, airplanes, trains, phones, a lot of different things have been invented back in Kansas and yet know one has thought, 'Hey! I wonder what would happen if I tried to move a rainbow today!'" She clarified for me, which arose more questions in me. But I decided not to ask any of them, not wanting to bore her by constantly asking her questions about her world even though I wanted to know as much about it as I could. I decided to leave my other questions for another day though.

"So, what time is it anyway?" She then asked me, tilting her head to the side. I noticed that her hair was down at this point when it moved with her. "I'm not sure exactly. I wanna say it's about three hours until dawn though." I replied. That was when there was loud and frantic banging on the door.  "King Scarecrow! Your highness please wake up! It's urgent, sir!"

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