Learning with Him Teaching

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Dorothy's P.O.V

I woke up and stretched my arms up into the air, yawning. Then I rubbed my eyes and noticed Toto laying down by my feet. I smiled and gently pet the small dog, startling him. But then he relaxed again after realizing it was only me.

Then I stood up and walked over to the window, which I failed to notice last night. I looked out and down, seeing a parade of people walking. I knew they weren't from Emerald City. Some of the people wore nothing but red, others ratty clothes as though they were lower class or peasants, and then the remaining ones in middle class outfits. Men carried the injured on these little wooden cot or stretcher type things.

My eyes widened in disbelief and I turned around and darted off out of the room, not even bothering to brush my hair or change out of my nightgown. "Scarecrow!" I shouted as I ran down the hall, my eyes darting back and forth as I went in a full on sprint. I heard several startled cries from the female workers as I ran around like a chicken with her head chopped off. "Scarecrow!" I shouted again before I collided into something that immediately wrapped around me.

"Dorothy, what's wrong?" Scarecrow asked, panicked by my own fluster.

"There are a lot of people. A lot of injured too. What's going on? Why are there so many people coming here?" I asked and explained very chopped and sloppily.

"Oh. Those people were recently attacked by an enemy kingdom. I'm already taking care of it though, don't worry about it." He said, trying to brush off the subject.

"What's going to happen to those people though?" I asked, not letting him brush it off so easily.

"They're going to be staying with us until we can get those cities rebuilt." He replied. It sounded like he didn't want to bother trying to brush it off again.

"Who could have possibly attacked them?" I pressed, wanting to get an answer since I started to get the feeling this had something to do with what had happened last night between him and Lion.

"Like I had said earlier, it was an enemy kingdom who attacked. You wouldn't know them." He replied, sounding slightly irritated at having to repeat himself.

"Well it's better to tell me now than never." I pointed out, stretching my arms out to the sides to help make my point. I saw him look around, and then he grabbed my arm and quickly led me down the hall before we ducked into a room. I didn't take a good look around but I noticed a desk with papers stacked all on it so I assumed were in a study if not his study.

"Alright. So what all do you want to know about our world considering I highly doubt you would understand what I was talking about if I jumped straight into our current situation." He said, I turned my wavering attention back to him and then kept it on him.

"Well, start from the beginning I guess. Wherever you feel is a good place to start." I responded, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then we might as well take a seat." He responded, turning towards what looked like a fireplace. It had a couch and two chairs in front of it, the couch being on the left side, facing the two chairs, which were on the right side facing the couch, angled so they were partially facing each other as well. I took a seat on the couch and he sat down in the chair closest to the fireplace.

"Well, our world is called Heiwa. Which means peace in the old language." He started after settling into his spot. "There are four kingdoms, Shi, Ev, Oz, and Kai, all of which are fabled to represent a different element. Shi is fire, Ev is wind, Kai is water, and Oz is earth. Shi is the largest kingdom, with it being the first to be founded. It's almost the size of all the other kingdoms combined. But because of it's size it tends to pick on the smaller kingdoms. That's who has been attacking our people. Hopefully it will be over soon but no guarantees."

"Oh. So that's what's going on. Well what about the other kingdoms and the rest of Heiwa?" I asked, since hearing a little bit about Shi made me curious about the others.

"Well, the three smaller kingdoms have always been close because of Shi. Whenever there's a war of sorts it's normally Ev and Oz against Kai and Shi, mainly because the queen of Kai jumps in and somehow calms the king of Shi. Anyways I think I'll start with Kai first in specifics about each kingdom.

"Kai has always been ruled by a queen rather than a king. The current queen is Queen Alnyah. As I said earlier, Kai is said to represent water and because of that, Kai's people are known to be very calm and relaxed most of the time while also being carefree, bubbly, and joyful. Also they are known to be very intelligent and they are good with inventing and medicines.

"The people in Ev aren't too much different. Like Kai, they are ruled by a girl, but rather than being queen the girl needs to be an unmarried, virgin princess who hasn't fell in love yet. The rule is for the princess that as soon as she falls in love she has to marry the man she fell for. Then, she is still ruler but only until she has a female child and the child is of age to rule. The current princess is Princess Evangaline and she's only 15 years old. The people of Ev are very outgoing and quite breezy with their way of thinking and emotions. One moment they'll be dead serious about something, the next moment they'll be dying of laughter over something completely different. When it comes down to it though, they are very head-strong and they will die fighting for what they believe in. On the somewhat of a downside, they specialize in the arts and their works are really quite fascinating, when everything dies down here I'll try to find a time to take you there if you'd like." He finally finished. I had been listening intently the whole time and I found it all quite intriguing, learning about the world my friends lived in.

"Oh that sounds wonderful! I would love to see all the other 3 kingdoms!" I exclaimed, just trying to imagine what they would be like. Then there was a loud bang that came from the door and I jumped in surprise, my eyes widening as I turned my head and locked on to the door, barely noticing Scarecrow stand up and face the door in a defensive stance. A familiar face and a not so familiar face then popped in and I relaxed only a little. The way their faces looked and their exhausted stances concerned me and I stood up, standing next to Scarecrow only partially behind him. Oh no... What's going on now?

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