Part 2 of "bullies"

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I was walking down the path with Zin in my arms, the sun was already beginning to set and the petals of the Sakura trees that surrounded us were falling making the whole scene so so much beautiful than before.

It wasn't so far away from her BIG home but still, I can't believe someone would do this to her! It's such a cruel thing to do..

They hit her, kicked her, ruined her skin and poured water on her! Such idiots ! If someone ever lays a finger on Zin ever again I swear I'll punch them twice TWICE.



There was no reply, she must've fallen asleep since I can only hear her soft breathing.

I kept walking until I looked down at her face, my eyes trailing down to her lips instantly reminding myself of the little kiss she gave me earlier.

"W-why'd she have to that to me.."

I sighed trying to get the memory out of my head while walking further.

Suddenly I hear a little:


I turn around to see Derp standing there, his hands bandaged up a bit more than usual, must've been from all the training he did earlier plus the crossbow practice he usually does.

"Ye that's me name alright! Captain 3D!!"

"Is that.."

He says pointing at Zin who's asleep in my arms.


"3D! STOP IT!"

He shouted looking a bit confused as to why I was worried


I looked away blushing a bit, I didn't want him to get the wrong idea..well since he did tell me that he thought she was kind and pretty and sweet and-

"Alright, first of all, why is she so bruised? And where ever has her umbrella and gloves gone?"

He said in the monotone voice of his per usual,

"Some idiots did this to her! Oh ye and i landed a hit on one of them!"

I said jumping almost dropping Zin which cause Derp to jolt over to catch her.

"3D! Be careful! She's already hurt! She doesn't need another scratch on her! Does she?!"

Derp said, while snatching her out of my arms,

"Hey that's mine! I-I meant that me was holding her first!"

I blushed and looked away, why'd I have to say that?! God I sound so weird for that! Arghh I'm so embarrassed!

"I can't trust you when you're so careless with things!"

"Hey I'm not that careless!"

Derp held her in his arms, she looked quite cute while sleeping,

"Just like sleeping beauty.."

"Exactly like sleeping beauty.."

Suddenly me and derp looked at each after we both said that at the same time and started laughing.

"Are you reading me mind mate?!"

"I was about to ask you the same thing!"

We laughed and kept walking further and further down the path, getting closer and closer to the Ellsworth's home.

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