Midnight walk

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Okay so 3d and Zin are around 12-11 in this story



I shouted while sitting on a tree branch that was positioned right next to her window, i knocked on the window trying to get her attention. It was around midnight.

It was pretty far down so if i fell...let's just say ouch!

Suddenly i see Zin as she walks up to her windowsill and opens it

"3d?! What ever are you doing here at midnight?!" (Little rich kid accent guys)

"Oh well uh.."

I started stuttering as she got close, she looked cute in her night gown. It wasn't something i was used to seeing since she's always in those big fancy dresses..


She said, looking at me with those ruby red eyes of hers, i felt my face heat up.

"N-nothin! I-it's just that aye though maybe we could go on ay walk close to thy beach..?..shore..same thin!"

She sighed,

"3d..it's so late though.."

"But pretty please! I promise to get you back to ya home safely! Plus you won't need thy big um...umb...oh shucks! I forgot what it's named!"


She said looking at me, a soft smile forming on her face while she leaned against her windowsill.


I blushed, why'd she have to look so pretty right now?!

"Okay I'll go..but you gotta help me climb out of this window!"

I nodded,

She started to slowly climb out of the window, i took her hand and helped her get onto the branch i was sitting on. There after we climbed down the tree and hid in the forest that surrounded the Ellsworth's home to avoid the guards.

"I think it's alright..let's go but we have to be quiet."

"Aye aye!"

She grabbed my hand which made my face turn into 5 different shades of red and led me out of the forest and onto the shore.

"Okay i think the coast is clear,"

She finally let go of my hand and I turned my face away from her so she wouldn't see my flustered state

"A-aye..let's sail- I meant go! Go.."

She chuckles which makes me even more embarrassed than i already am

"It's alright..i guess you're used to being out in the sea a lot!"

"Well..what bout you..?"

I replied while looking at her, her ruby colored eyes shining in the moonlight.

"Me..? Oh well uh.. I grew up in orphanages.."

I frowned, I knew she grew up in orphanages but it still made me feel bad for her..



I blushed a bit before I muttered out:

"I uh..I like.."

"You like what..?"


Crap! I chickened out again! How embarrassing!!

She chuckled, and smiled at me making my heart skip a beat

"I know you do, 3d."

I smiled and looked at her eyes again, god they're so beautiful..just like actually rubies..

"And I love you.."

"Huh? What'd ye say?"


I thought I heard her say something but it must of been my imagination.

I wish I could tell her one day..


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