The Dragonkin's Children

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It was months after Adenus was crowned alpha, and now there were conflicts with all of the tribes. Adenus would visit each one to try and resolve their issue, but he had failed to do so. He was letting his father down by not doing the right thing. But today, things were going to change for Adenus.

Adenus had visited each tribe to help out with solutions for their problems. He did what he could for each of the tribe, and in return, they would give him some gifts. The gifts he got were these eggs.

These eggs were a mystery to young Adenus

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These eggs were a mystery to young Adenus. For he wasn't sure what to do with them. He did take them back to his home and held onto them. When he showed them to a priest, the priest had examined them. He heard some heart beating inside these eggs. This surprised young Adenus since he didn't know this.

So what did Adenus do to these eggs? Well, he decided to keep them. He took them back to his home and gave them to his Night Fury to watch over. Adenus had asked the Night Fury to alert him in case something had happened to the eggs. The Night Fury then watches over the eggs while Adenus continues to look over the townspeople.

That night, something happened. As Adenus was asleep in his bed, the Night Fury came charging at the door. This woke up Adenus and he wondered what had happened. The Night Fury then went back downstairs and Adenus began to follow. What Adenus saw next was incredible. One of the eggs had hatched. The red one was the first to hatch, and inside the egg was a dragon.

(Author's note: Most of the dragons are just representations of what they would look like as a baby

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(Author's note: Most of the dragons are just representations of what they would look like as a baby.)

The dragon then looks at Adenus. Adenus gets curious about it. He gets a closer look, and the baby dragon walks up to him and rubs his leg. Adenus picks it up and holds it. He was curious about what this dragon was. Just then, two more eggs hatched. The yellow one and the purple one hatched 2 other dragons.

 The yellow one and the purple one hatched 2 other dragons

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Adenus looked at them with curiosity as they looked at Adenus

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Adenus looked at them with curiosity as they looked at Adenus. He wasn't sure if he had seen these dragons before. But he knows that they are different from what he has seen. Then the blue egg started to hatch, and out came another unknown dragon.

 Then the blue egg started to hatch, and out came another unknown dragon

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This dragon was also unique and different from the other dragons. Adenus's curiosity peaked and he was interested in learning more. He was hoping for the green egg to hatch, but it wasn't ready. He was curious as to why only four eggs hatched and not the other one. Maybe there was something different about this dragon egg. Only time will tell.

3 months had passed since the newborns were hatched. Adenus has been observing each one of them, while continuing to figure out the problem he faces. How to lead better. Adenus would struggle to come up with answers on how to lead better. This also would happen when he would visit the other tribes. As he was observing the little dragons, he had taken the green egg with him everywhere he went, hoping that it would hatch. Then one day, it finally hatched, and just like the other eggs, it also hatched into a baby dragon.

 Then one day, it finally hatched, and just like the other eggs, it also hatched into a baby dragon

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This one was rather interesting to Adenus. For it had a forest growing on its back. He then gave them names. The one that hatched from the red egg was named the Green Death. The one from the purple egg was named the Shellfire. The one from the yellow egg was named the Screaming Death. The one from the blue egg was the Bewilderbeast. The one from the green egg was named the Foreverwing. He loved these dragons. They were like children to him. He would raise them to be noble and well-mannered. Little did he know though that these dragons would be capable of something greater.

Five years had gone by. Adenus has now reached the age of 25 and the dragons that came from the eggs have grown. Adenus was traveling to the Ocean Explorers with the Shellfire because they were dealing with a problem. A massive shark infestation has come and they were eating all the good fish. Adenus wasn't sure what to do about the situation, but the young dragon that hatched from the purple egg did something. It scared off the sharks knowing that there are other fish out there. This surprised Adenus and the people. That's when Adenus had an idea. He planned to leave the Shellfire dragon with the Ocean Expeditioners to act as a guardian to the people. The Shellfire accepts the position and stays behind. After leaving the Ocean Expeditioners, Adenus thought about what his father said to him. Find creative ways to lead the people. That's when the idea hit him.

Later on, Adenus began to visit the other 4 tribes. The Excavator Expeditioners got the Screaming Death, the Volcanic Miners got the Green Death, the Snowers got the Bewilderbeast, and the Forest Dwellers got the Foreverwing. Each of Adenus's children were guarding the tribes that would make the lands. This is what Adenus hadn't planned out, but he found a solution to his problems.

When Adenus went back home, it was only him and the Night Fury that remain. So what does Adenus do? He leads his people. He has made laws that are known as dragon laws. Laws that would allow people to be with dragons. This included a mating law where you can have more than one partner.

Adenus was successful in leading everyone. But this isn't the end of Adenus's story.

To be continued...

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