2) idiot friends

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"Hey, did you hear" Erica asked seeing Sarah at her locker. "Hear what" Sarah asked. "Jackson has a separated shoulder" Erica said.

"What how" Sarah asked. "Apparently Scott" Erica said. "Figures" Sarah said sighing. "You didn't know" Erica asked. "I haven't seen them today" Sarah said and Erica nodded.

"Hey, are you ever gonna ask out Isaac" Erica said once she saw Isaac.

"Erica no okay no I told you I'm over it" Sarah said. "Mm- hmm" Erica said. "I mean it" Sarah said.

"Fine" Erica said though she didn't believe her. "Come on we have to get home" Erica said leaving with Sarah.

"Right home" Sarah said sadly knowing it was a house and not a home for her.


Sarah was at her locker when she opened it and saw her jacket with a note on it.

Sarah took her jacket and picked up the note reading it. "You forgot this in my car figured you want it back - Derek" the note said.

Sarah put her jacket back in her locker smiling slightly and closed it before heading to class.


"Sarah there you are come with me" Stiles said and Sarah followed Stiles.

"Hey, come here" Stiles told Scott and he did. "What" Scott said. "Tell me what they're saying" Stiles said and Scott used his wolf hearing.

"Can you hear em" Stiles asked. "Curfew because of the body" Scott said after a moment and faced Stiles.

"Unbelievable my dad's out looking for a rabid animal while the jerk off who actually killed the girl are just hanging out doing whatever they want" Stiles said.

"Wow, wow back up you can't seriously believe that Derek is the killer" Sarah said and they stayed silent.

"Okay did you two idiots happen to get his side of the story" Sarah asked and they both stayed silent. "Of course not, well when you do give me a call" Sarah said and left. "Sarah" Stiles said but Sarah ignored him.


"Stiles is calling" Erica said to Sarah sitting on her bed. "Ignore it" Sarah said and Erica did.

"You guys in a fight" Erica asked. "Something like that" Sarah said. "Do I need to intervene" Erica asked. "No, it's fine it'll blow over" Sarah said.

"Promise" Erica asked. "I promise" Sarah said. "You going to the game" Erica asked.

"I don't know probably not" Sarah said. "Then movie night" Erica asked. "Sounds perfect" Sarah said. "I'll go get one" Erica said and left.


Stiles called his dad after they found the body and he made his way inside the police car Derek was in on the passenger's side.

"Okay just so you know I'm not afraid of you" Stiles told him, and Derek gave Stiles a glare.

"Okay maybe I am doesn't matter I just wanna know something the girl you killed she was a werewolf she was a different kind wasn't she" Stiles asked.

"I mean she could turn herself into an actual wolf and I know Scott can't do that is that why you killed her" Stiles accused him.

"Why are you so worried about me when it's your friend who's the problem when he shifts on the field what do you think they're gonna do just keep cheering him on I can't stop him from playing but you can and trust me you want to" Derek said.

"And where's Sarah your blonde friend I actually like" Derek asked Stiles, and he stayed silent.

"Let me guess she wasn't a part of this" Derek said before Stiles got dragged out of the car.

"There stand" Noah said. "What do you think you're doing" he asked Stiles.

"I'm just trying to help" Stiles said. "Okay well how about you help me understand exactly how you came across this" Noah said. "We were looking for Scott's inhaler" Stiles admitted.

"Which he dropped when" Noah asked Stiles. "The other night" Stiles said not realizing what he admitted.

"The other night when you and Sarah were out here looking for the first half of the body" Noah asked his son. "Yes" Stiles said.

"The night that you told me it was just you and Sarah and Scott were at home" Noah asked Stiles.

"Yes" Stiles said before realizing what he said. "No oh crap" Stiles said. "So, you lied to me" Noah said. "That depends on how you define lying" Stiles said.

"Well, I define it as not telling the truth" Noah said. "How do you define it" Noah asked him.

"Mm reclining your body in a horizontal position" Stiles said. "Get out of here" Noah told him. "Absolutely" Stiles said.


"I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial" Scott said. "Just keep looking" Stiles said.

"Maybe it's like a ritual or something like maybe they bury you as a wolf or maybe it's a special skill you know like something you learn" Stiles said.

"I'll put it on my to do list" Scott said. "Right underneath figuring out how I'm playing this game tonight" Scott said.

"Maybe it's different for girl werewolves" Stiles assumed. "Okay stop it" Scott said. "Stop what" Stiles asked him. "Stop saying werewolves stop enjoying this too much" Scott said.

"Are you okay" Stiles asked Scott. "No, no I'm not okay I'm so far from being okay" Scott said.

"You know your gonna have to accept this Scott sooner or later" Stiles told him. "I can't" Scott said. "Well, your gonna have to" Stiles said.

"No, I can't breathe Aah Ah pull over" Scott said. "Why what's happening" Stiles asked him. Scott went through Stiles's bag pulling out the wolfsbane.

"You kept it" Scott asked Stiles. "What was I supposed to do with it" Stiles asked him.

"Stop the car" Scott said, and Stiles immediately did so, grabbing the bag running outside tossing it.

"Okay - Okay we're good you can" Stiles said turning around. "Scott, Scott" Stiles said realizing he wasn't there.


Sarah was doing some homework with Erica. "Stiles is calling" Erica said seeing the caller ID on her sister's phone.

"He sure can't take a hint" Sarah said, and Erica ignored the call. "Doesn't seem like it"" Erica said.

"You sure you don't want to go to the game" Erica asked. "Yeah, positive I rather stay here with you" Sarah said. "And drool about Isaac" Erica said.

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm over it for you to believe me" Sarah asked and Erica shrugged her shoulders.

Sarah sighed and went back to doing her homework.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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