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"You see the twins" Issac asked Peter and Sarah. "No" Sarah said. "No but I see the Argents" Peter said. "Not to bring up uncomfortable memories but" Issac said.

"Wasn't the last time you saw them the time you killed Kate and then they burned you alive hmm" Issac asked and he and Sarah looked seeing Peter gone.

"Hmm okay then" Sarah said before she and Isaac got out of the car going towards the Argents.

"Where are the others" Allison asked. "I don't know Scott and Stiles went back for Derek and Jennifer we had to get Cora out" Issac said.

Derek had pulled up in a van and parked the car getting out. "Derek" Sarah said relieved. Derek gone to the car and opened the door. "Where's Scott and Stiles" Allison asked.

"Stiles is still at the hospital he's gonna hold off the cops for us" Derek said and picked up Cora.

"We have to go right now" Issac said. "What about Scott and Melissa" Argent asked and Derek put Cora in the backseat of the van with Sarah sitting beside her.

"Jennifer took Melissa" Derek said and closed the door heading to get in the driver's side.

"What about Scott" Allison asked but Derek ignored her. "Derek where's Scott" Allison asked and Derek faced her.


Sarah was with Derek and Issac at the loft watching over Cora. "She's dying isn't she" Issac asked. "I don't know" Derek said.

"So, what are you gonna do" Issac asked. "I don't know" Derek said. "Want to figure something out" Issac asked.

"Because while Scott and Stiles were out there, they were out there trying to help people from being killed you were in here rolling around in the sheets with the actual killer" Issac said.

"Do you get how many people she's killed" Issac asked. "Issac, he didn't know then" Sarah said and sighed. "Erica and Boyd are dead Cora is dying, and you are doing nothing" Issac told Derek.

"Why'd you do this to us Derek was it all about the power, were you bored were you lonely" Issac asked.

"Maybe" Derek told Isaac looking at him before looking back at Cora. "I told Cora I wouldn't leave I'll help the others when I figure out to help her" Derek said.

"There's no time" Issac yelled. "Isaac" Sarah said. "The full moon's coming the sheriff and Melissa are gonna be dead so I'm gonna try and help them you can sit here and perfect the art of doing nothing" Issac said and left slamming the door.

"I wouldn't take it personally anger is just a tool he's using it to excuse shifting allegiance from one alpha to another from you to Scott" Peter said.

"Scott's not an alpha yet" Derek said. "But he's on his way isn't he" Peter asked. "Sarah go with him keep your boyfriend alive" Derek said.

"But Derek" Sarah said. "Now" Derek said. "Fine geh you sound so dad like" Sarah said and left.


"The word is guardian Allison more than anyone you know that's a role I haven't exactly lived up to lately" Argent said.

"But she took Scott's mother and Stiles's father that's not a coincidence" Allison said.

"Yeah, I'd also consider the fact that someone put your name up in large block letters on the elevator doors that kind of felt like a warning to me" Stiles said.

"I think it might be Morrell she knows a lot more than she lets on and she might even be trying to help us" Allison said.

"Well, she needs to get on that a lot faster okay seeing as how the lunar eclipse is less than two freaking nights away" Stiles said. "Stiles don't give up hope" Argent said.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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