6) motel California

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The school bus stopped at a hotel, and everyone got off the bus looking at it. "I've seen worse" Scott said. "Where have you seen worse" Stiles asked. "Nothing is worse than this" Sarah said.

Coach blew his whistle before facing everyone. "Listen up the meet's been pushed till tomorrow this is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves, you'll be pairing up choose wisely and I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants got that keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves" Coach said.

Lydia saw Sarah looking around and went to her. "You want to share with me" Lydia asked.

"And room with the girl who kidnapped my sister because of her wanting to kill my dad who later got kidnapped by alphas and needed up dead I'll pass" Sarah said referring to Allison.

Issac saw the situation and he and Boyd quickly went to Sarah. "It's okay she can share with us" Issac said leading Hazel away with Boyd's help.


Sarah heard her phone ring, and she quickly looked at the caller ID before answering.

"Peter first how did you get this number and why are you calling" Sarah asked. "I have my resources" Peter told her. "And besides can't I check on my new adopted niece" Peter asked.

"Why are you calling" Sarah asked. "Like I said I wanted to check on you" Peter said. "Peter" Sarah said.

"No, I mean it I'm serious your family now and I'm worried about you" Peter said. "Why are you worried about me" Sarah asked.

"I know how close you and Derek were, and I know you loved him more than a righting I mean even a fool could see that he was your real dad" Peter said.

""I'm fine don't worry see you when we get back Uncle Peter" Sarah said but Peter knew she was not fine by the tone of her voice.

"Okay now that sounds weird to say this is gonna take some getting used to" Sarah said.


Issac and Sarah were in their hotel room while Boyd went out to get something from the vending machine.

Isaac kept looking at Sarah noticing she was facing the wall trying to keep the tears from coming once again. "Sarah" Issac said. "Don't please just don't" Sarah said and faced Issac.

"Okay" Issac said, and Sarah faced the wall once again,

Issac got up and went towards the tv turning it on turning it trying to find a channel that works while Sarah stayed on the bed tuning everything out not realizing that Issac was having a conversation with himself and went under the bed when she got up to get some fresh air.


Allison, Stiles, and Lydia were looking for Scott when they found him covered in gasoline with a road flare. "Scott" Allison said.

Sarah saw the scene as she was outside getting some fresh air when she saw the scene. "What's going on" Sarah asked before she realized what Scott was doing. "Scott don't do this" Sarah said.

"There's no hope" Scott said. "What do you mean Scott" Allison asked.

"There's always hope" Allison said. "Not for me not for Derek" Scott said. "Derek wasn't your fault you know Derek wasn't your fault" Allison said.

"Every time I try to fight back it just gets worse people keep getting hurt people keep getting killed" Scott said.

"Scott listen to me okay this isn't you alright this is someone inside your head telling you to do this okay" Stiles said.

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