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Doctor, hmm...OK we got this, yo. Les check out the tasks.

TASK 1: EXAMINE THE PATIENT. Clear all the checks assigned by system.

But i realise there are no checks currently. Thats off. The door knocks and a patient stumbles in, gasping and wheezing as if he'd just run across the Sahara Desert.

"Whas your problem? ", I demand.

He coughs violently and falls into the seat infront of my desk. He takes a long deep breath and raises his head to look at me. Before I ask him again, he starts coughing like a little freak. Believe me or not, he coughs for 5 minutes straight. I finally crack.

"SHUCHO BITCH ASS UP BEFORE I BREAK MY FOOT UP INTO YOUR ASS!", I shout. Yeah, that makes the fool shut up alright.

" Now, whas yo problem?", I ask.

He looks at me with a dumb expression. He seems to be thinking of something.

"No idea", he  finally says, with a resigned look. 

"Huh? THEN WHY IS YO ASS EVEN HERE?", I yell at him.

"Well, I've heard doctors give out free lollipops.", he says slowly. I bang my head in frustration.

"GETCHO ASS OUTTA HERE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I SL-", I start yelling but then the fool coughs on my face. OK, before you blame me for what happens next, let me just tell you that this guy could make Neel Burton go insane. I grab a random bottle from the desk and bring down it down his head with brutality. 

But the dude doesn't even flinch. He just shakes the shards of broken glass off him and scratches his head like the dumb ape he was.

"Was the lollipop in that bottle?", he asks as he narrows his eyes and peers into the broken bottle in my hand. Without thinking , I grab a syringe  ready to attack but apparently he's afraid of syringes cause he finally gets out of the chair and starts running but then he trips over his clumsy ass, gets up and starts running again like a wild animal. He shuts the door behind him. It takes several moments for me to chill out. So that's why there were no checks assigned cause this fool wasn't even a patient.

Shortly after, another patient enters but stops abruptly and looks at me in horror. I wonder what's wrong but then realize I'm still carrying a broken bottle in one hand and the syringe in the other. 

"Whatchu lookin at, you little wuss? Take a seat already!", I snap and the patient obeys. 

Task 1-Check(i) Ask the patient what's wrong 

"What's wrong with yo ass, man?", I ask.

"My heartbeat has been getting more rapid these days", he says. That sounds concerning.

TASK 1-Check(ii) Use a stethoscope for ausculation

What the shit is ausculation?! I take a deep breath. If I'm correct a stethoscope is that uhh tubes headphone thingy the doctors use to listen heartbeat and stuff so that's what I gotta do. OK OK..I can do that. But then we have another problem.......i don't know where da human heart is.

So I grab the stethoscope, pop in the earpiece and press the diaphragm against the dude's BELLY. 

"Umm, doc, I think that's not where you put a stethoscope",he says but I ignore him and listen to what his tum's gotta say

Whoa! There are some serious noises in there. Oh my god, was that an explosion?! Maybe...just maybe,

"I believe you have a baby in there", I say pointing at his belly. That did certainly explain the noises and the the abnormal number of layers of his belly.

THE TASKS I HAVE TO DO VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now