Sweet Dreams

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(may i kindly ask you to imagine Mugman with a completely different voice for now. It'll make sense i swear)

Cuphead woke up and stretched, yawning loudly.

"Goood morning mugsy!" Cuphead called, "ready for a day of fun."

"You bet!" Mugman said hopping up out of his bed, "you ready for a day of entertaining activities."

"That and more!" cuphead standing up on his bed and leaping out of his bed. He bounced off the floor like some rubber ball and then slid down the stairs as if it were a Slip'N'Slide.

Cuphead went to go and sit at the lunch table where Mugman was seemingly already sitting. Nevertheless Cuphead sat down to a plate of pancakes ready and waiting for him at the table.

Cuphead inhaled the pancakes and sauntered out of the door ready for a day of adventure. He looked about and saw the peaceful forests that surrounded the cottage. The goat from the front yard was tearing up Kettle's flowers as always and the sun was out glowing warmly when cuphead looked up at it.

"Whatcha dooooooing." Mugman piped up, appearing right next to his brother

"GAAH! How did you get here so fast?" Cuphead asked.

"What are you talking about? I've just been walking?"

Cuphead squinted suspiciously at his brother for a moment before shrugging it off. The two walked on down the street towards town. Cuphead jumped up and snatched a leaf on one of the trees on the walk tearing it absentmindedly into pieces.

The two soon arrived in town and set off down the street warm. And cuphead began to ponder what to do. They both walked past a shop with a calendar in the window and cuphead snapped his head round to check the day

Friday 15 January 1932

Cuphead turned back around to face the bleak January day and announced "looks like it's Fairground friday, let's go down to the fairground eh."

"Sure, let's go!"

Cuphead began to walk alongside his brother, absentmindedly following him along, his focus was on the now heavily torn leaf which he was trying to tear a perfect square from, a fiddly task. Cuphead continued like this for a while, his mind drifting off to wherever he wanted.

Cuphead looked up to see his progress towards the fair and realised he was already there.

"Woah! We're here already." Cuphead yelled excitedly, "let's get going."

Cuphead sprinted over to the ring toss game.

"Two tickets please!" Cuphead said holding a five buck not out.

Before the cup could contemplate where that note came from, the carnival worker handed him 8 rings to toss.

"Why don't you let me hold your amulet while you play that game." Mugman suggested ,"you can play to your full potential."

Cuphead looked down at the amulet which he only now realised he was wearing around his neck

(the amulet he got from the buried treasure chest. I know you probably forgot about it too)

"It's not like this's gonna make be any worse at ring toss" Cuphead pointed out "plus, it's mine and you can't have it."

Cuphead then blew a playful raspberry at his brother before having a go at the game. He tossed each ring at the bottles and each one bounced off the top of the bottles and tinkled loudly into the gaps between. the sound of failure.

"Aww banana oil," Cuphead said, very much annoyed, "guess i'm a bit rusty. Hey Mugsy, you have a go."

Cuphead stepped down and offered Mugman to step up.

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