Sugar high

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(as the title is shown the timpani fill from the beginning of "Sugarland Shimmy" plays)

It was a bright morning in the inkwell isles. The sun was shining down on the forest creating intricate patterns..

Suddenly the door of a small cottage in the woods slammed open and two ceramic brothers walked out.

"Cuphead, where are we going!" Mugman demanded

"We are going on a quest," Cuphead replied

"What? where? how? Why?"

"Here" cuphead announced as he gestured to a strangely rectangular hole in the side of a tree.

"No ,no ,no ,no ,no" Mugman said "We are NOT going back to sugarland"

"Awwwww, come on" Cuphead pleaded "we are all out of candy, lets

just go in, grab some candy and leave"

Mugman thought for a bit

"Ehh, i don't see why not. We need the candy"

Cuphead reached into his pocket and took out what looked to be two handkerchiefs. He started to unfold them but they weren't normal hankies, after they had been completely unfolded they created two large barrels, each with a spade in.

"Come on Mugsy, you take one and i'll take the other. we'll just fill, em up and leave"

"Are you sure about..."

"3,2,1 GO!" Cuphead yelled as he dashed into the portal with Mugman reluctantly trailing behind.

Cuphead immediately started to industriously shovel candy into his barrel.

Mugman rolled his barrel to the hot fudge spring and filled up the barrel. He also pulled a lolly pop from the ground and placed a flapjack underneath the barrel and "icing-boarded" (like snowboarding) down the frosting hills, using the lolly pop stick to guide his ride.

Part way through shovelling, Cuphead got tired, so he jogged over to a Redbull tree, grabbed a can and drank it. Suddenly his pupils dilated and new energy flowed through his veins (not sure if Cuphead even has a circulatory system)

He sprinted back to the barrel and started shovelling with barely subsonic speed. As Cuphead dug his shovel into the ground he hit something hard. It was a jawbreaker. This wouldn't have been an issue except that when he hit the jawbreaker ,it made such a loud noise, it woke Baroness Von Bon Bon.

She immediately woke her castle and charged at the cups

"I'm gonna get you BOYS!" she screamed

Cuphead put the lid back on the barrel and tried to roll it out of sugarland but just at that moment Mugman slid past on his flapjack and out the portal. Cuphead was clipped by Mugman's driveby so he spun about and sat down dazedly. He sat there on the floor with stars spinning around his head until Mugman reached his hand back into sugarland, grabbed Cuphead and dragged him out.

* * *

Cuphead swatted the stars away from his head

"Thanks Mugsy." he thanked "Are you ready to start faze two?"

"There's a faze two!" Mugman exclaimed "you've never come up with a coherent plan before!"

"Welp, i just had an idea" Cuphead replied as he pulled two full length spears out of his pocket.

"We are going to ambush attack that giant, red and white mint thingy, kill it and then reap the sweat rewards" Cuphead explained

The Cuphead Show! Season 4Where stories live. Discover now