Cat piano and movie reference - Aidlyn

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Hopefully people will get what I'm referencing to :3

Third person POV:

Aiden felt..romantic today. He felt like..middle school boy crushing on the popular girl who loves Sephora. He got up from his bed and headed down to the living room. He was greeted by a toy piano designed as a cat. On the piano, it had a sticky note stuck on it. Aiden took a step closer to the toy and read the note on it.

'This is from Taylor. She said it looked like something you'd own.'

Aiden couldn't help but chuckle at the note. He picked up the piano and booked it up back to his room. He had something to keep him entertained!

The blonde psycho sat down on his bed, criss crossed apple sauce. He gently removed the sticky note from the piano and started to mess with it.

After a while messing with the piano that only sang in 'meows', Aiden got an idea. As a thank you gift for a certain ginger, he decided he should right her a song with a perfect amount of cheesy-ness.

Aiden rolled off his bed onto the floor and picked up his phone. He opened up WhatsApp (Android user :3) and went to Ashlyn's contacts.

Ginger I like


Ginger I like

Hi :D

Ginger I like
I'm blocking you.


Ginger I like
I won't question anything.
Be there in a few.


Alden's POV:

"Time to browse through the trusty internet." I said to myself. I opened up YouTube and immediately(took him five minutes to think of this) searched up ------- from the ----- movie. I studied the lyrics and borrowed (stole) them for my song for Ashlyn.

"Ash, you're so cool,". I started to memorize my totally not copyrighted song for the ginger I like.

" -and with my psychotic smile, we're going to rule."

"Ash, understand. I'm going to annoy you till the very end."

"Ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger, "

A man may die,

"Ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger,"

"I love annoying you!"

But not his..perfect ideas.

Five mins later lol

Third person POV:

Ashlyn finally made her way to Aiden's house. She knocked on the door and waited for it to open. It only took two seconds until Aiden answered the door.

"Hey Ashy!" Aiden greeted, his grin looking crazier than normal grin. "Hi." Ashlyn returned the greet. "Let's get this done and over with." She added. "Right this way gingerbread." Aiden jokingly stated as he started to walk up to his room, making a gesture for Ashlyn to follow.

The two love birds made it to the room that belonged to the bird who fell first and the hardest (Aiden) and sat down next to each other.

Aiden started to play the first few notes of the song he borrowed.

"Ash, you're so cool-" before he could get onto the second line, Ashlyn stopped him. "Don't even."


Aiden's plan was now foiled because of the fact he played this song for ten hours a day.

"And with my-" he tried to continue for funnies, but got cut off again. "Continue the song and I'm telling the others about this." She threatened.

"Dang it.." Aiden sighed. The ginger he likes got him.

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