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But right now I had to focus on finding out where we were going, I didn't want to ask Bill but did so anyway.  “Bill.. where are we going??”  “Barcelona” he mumbled. WHAT?? BARCELONA?? It's really beautiful there. But why so far away??

I wanted to ask Bill what happened with the other gang but decided not to, hours later were still on the jet; I got up going to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror, thinking. Why did I ever have to meet Bill? he's great and all..

but why? I didn't want to get caught up in this at all. But there's no backing out now, I leave the bathroom seeing everyone else is now asleep. I went back to where I was laying and decided I should take a nap. Soon I fell asleep

Ik this is a short part but I've been writing my other story which I think is better than this one :3 it will be out soon when I finish this story which is quite long from now ngl .. but please do vote and comment if you want, but I really need more votes ngl😨.. but byeee😍✌🏻 oh and I do post more of this story on my tiktok so follow me🤗  “Attack.urheart07”

THE NEXTDOOR NEIGHBOR, Bill Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now