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I crack my eyes open, and immediately, I'm hit with what feels like the sun shining directly into my corneas. Ugh, what is this, the afterlife? Am I on a spaceship being probed by aliens? I blink rapidly, trying to get a sense of my surroundings. Everything is too bright, too sterile, like I've been dropped into some sci-fi horror movie.

"Host 69, you've been given a relatively eazyzz mission for your first task. In just a moment, I'll transfer the task info to you." Bee 69's voice cuts through my confusion like a fly that won't stop buzzing in your ear when you're trying to nap.

Ah, yes. My trusty, irritating system. Just when I thought it couldn't get more annoying.

Before I can even think about responding with a snarky comment, my brain gets slammed with a tidal wave of images and thoughts. It's like my mind just became the world's busiest airport, with information landing at high speed in every available slot. Imagine cramming a year's worth of Netflix into your head in thirty seconds. Yeah, that's what it feels like.

I groan. "This transmigration crap is no joke, man. My head feels like I've been hit with a sledgehammer wrapped in textbooks."

But somehow, I get it. The world I've entered is a dystopian one, and when I say dystopian, I mean the full package: crumbling infrastructure, grimy skies, zombies lurking around the corner like bad WiFi signals, and corrupt governments to tie it all up in a nice little bow. You know, standard apocalyptic nightmare. Honestly, this would make for a killer movie.

But wait-hold up. Something about this feels weirdly familiar. "Yo, Bee-wee-wee, is this world a story or something? This plot sounds like one of those late-night webnovels I binge when I'm too lazy to sleep."

"Host, please refrain from calling me 'weewee,' the system grumbles, like a disgruntled baby duckling. "No, there's nothing in the database that says this world is fictional."

Mental note: never stop calling it weewee.

Right, back to the drama playing out in my head like a soap opera I didn't ask for. Caden Timewell-because of course his last name is 'Timewell'-is the hero of this twisted little story. Dude's got it all: face like a magazine cover, born into wealth, and enough protagonist plot armor to deflect a nuclear bomb. Naturally, he's the golden boy of this world, walking through life like the main character in a really over-the-top TV show.

And then there's Wilde Seede-his half-brother. Yes, Wilde Seede. I wish I were joking. Like, is this name for real? Wilde is basically the thorn in Caden's side, the one thing ruining his otherwise perfect protagonist life.

I snicker out loud because I can't hold it in. "Weewee, I swear, that name is a joke, right? Who names their illegitimate kid 'Wilde Seede'? This is straight-up comedy."

"Host, please. It's 'Wilde Seede,' not 'wild seed.' Can we keep things serious for once?" Bee 69 sounds like it's desperately trying to keep it together, but I can hear the irritation. Oh, this is going to be fun.

So, here's the rundown: Papa Timewell, being the upstanding man he is, knocked up two women at the same time. Wilde was born a whole two months before Caden, which means Papa Timewell was doing some serious double-dipping. But hey, who doesn't love some classic rich people drama?

Papa Timewell's solution to this little oops moment? Use Wilde as a tool to sharpen his precious golden son. He gives both Caden and Wilde the best of the best-education, resources, the whole nine yards-just to ignite some good ol' sibling rivalry. Because pitting two brothers against each other is always a solid parenting strategy, right?

But Wilde? Oh man, he's not having a good time. Sure, he's got the resources, but an illegitimate child is still an illegitimate child. He's treated like gum stuck to the bottom of everyone's shoe. Everyone bullies him-Caden's cronies, random school kids, even his own mother, who has the audacity to resent Wilde for not getting her the rich-wife status she was gunning for. Honestly, it's a miracle the kid hasn't gone full supervillain already.

But of course, our hero Caden has a shining light in his life-a girl, duh. Enter Sara Chuay, a scholarship student with white lotus syndrome so strong, she practically glows. She's the type who just has to save the wounded bird, and Wilde is her bird. She tries to 'help' him whenever he's getting bullied, which just drags her into Caden's world, making him need her like some twisted prize.

This leads to the classic love triangle that makes you roll your eyes so hard they nearly fall out of your head. Sara gets closer to Wilde, Caden gets all possessive, and after a bunch of drama, Sara does the smartest thing-she chooses Caden. Because, I mean, who wouldn't? Boy's rich, powerful, and the hero of this world. Wilde, on the other hand? Yeah, no thanks. Smart girl.

I roll my eyes, though I secretly respect the girl's hustle. Pretending to care about the bullied kid just to grab the attention of the rich heir? That's some next-level strategizing.

Meanwhile, Wilde's life spirals further into the abyss. Papa Timewell, seeing that his illegitimate son might actually be better than his golden boy, starts pulling the plug on Wilde's resources. One by one, Wilde's perks disappear. But Wilde? He doesn't fold. He's like a cockroach-you just can't kill the guy's drive. So, Papa Timewell hires someone to take out Wilde's mom, the D-list actress who birthed him. Yeah, because that's totally going to fix things.

Naturally, this event snaps something in Wilde's brain. Mom or not, she was the only person who ever resembled family to him. After her death, Wilde goes full-on villain. Like, we're talking Dr. Evil levels of darkness. And here's where the zombie apocalypse comes into play: Wilde, being the overachiever he is, releases a zombie virus he's been working on in secret.Yep. You heard that right. The guy unleashes the literal end of the world because he's having a bad time.

This is when the main story of Caden Timewell and Sara Chuay actually kicks off. Now they're the star couple of the apocalypse, fighting off zombies, building a resistance, and dropping romantic tension like it's hot. You know, while the world crumbles around them. No big deal.

And me? Oh, yeah, my job. I'm supposed to stop the zombie apocalypse from happening. No pressure.Oh, and here's the kicker: I've transmigrated into Faye Lozero, the number one bully of Wilde Seede and the certified crazy fangirl of Caden. Also known as: cannon fodder. I'm destined to die early in the story in some humiliating way.

Just. My. Freaking. Luck.


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