The teacher kept droning on and on in the class, but i couldn't take my eyes off of Wilde. Wilde his name should have been Wilde Rose mhmm...very pretty, very attractive but if you come too close you will be pricked.

Besides, the matter being taught in this class was already learnt by me in my would seem the physics governing both the worlds are basically the same.

"Host, stop staring and please try not to fall for Wilde Seede. You will eventually have to leave this world," the annoying voice of the system enters my brain as i am still in my one sided staring contest.

Fall in love? Why would i? I agree the main characters of this world are very beautiful but that's just me looking at them, admiring them like you would an art painting in a museum. Anyways, i never want to fall in love again! What's the point ah! Love is just a trap for people to make you do their biddin-

WAIT...if i can make Wilde fall in love with me or even appreciate me...i can slowly nurture him like a good mother bah! Why did i not think of this before. Hahahabaha system you're so cute i love you bahh!

Of course i want the villain to fall in love with me just to make him a better hooman, it has absolutely nothing to do with my attention seeking nature and i definitely am not going to make him love me just because i am bored all alone. Yes! I am a very good citizen! Basically the saviour of this world! So it's okay to break one or two hearts on my way to saving the world!

If the system could hear my thoughts, it'd probably want to go cry in a corner heheheheh.

After the classes end for the lunch break, i still follow behind Wilde. I think the others have figured that this is some new way of bullying him. But that's not what this is....if i dont follow him around, how can i stop him from getting bullied? I am also very helpless bah! All alone in this foreign world with no one to help me! How pitiful am i ahh!

Wilde walks towards the cafeteria with me following behind like a little tail and sure enough, he is pulled into one of the classrooms by one of the goons whose name i can't bother remembering. I follow behind him quickly.

As i enter the class, the scene there makes me want to laugh out loud but i keep control of my facial muscles... can't go out of character just yet ahh.

A six feet something guy full of muscles covered by a school uniform being surrounded by stick poles who think they're in charge! I have no idea how these people didn't realise the true power of the villain sama. In his case...the villain sama is doing a very good potrayal of looking like a lamb surrounded by lions. This must be the power of the legendary villain halo... making those around him dumb as hell.

"Heyy, looks like we stole Faye's prey from her," one of the soon to be cannon fodder says as he looks in my direction and the rest of them cackle along. Wow. Did the original associate with these fools before? Why? The IQ of all the people in this world needs to be checked jeez.

I lightly laugh along with them as i caught site of the villain sama looking at me curiously from the corner of my eye. Scary! Don't look at me you freak!

"Well, my friends, it is indeed as you said, but i am sure you didn't mean to steal my prey, now, did you?" I say mustering up the evilest smile i can and hoping it works well enough to drive these bothersome flies away.

The group of bullies suddenly go very quiet and red in their faces. This is the 2nd or 3rd time this has happened. "System, the people of this world have very thin skins, don't they?" I say inside my head as i am walking to the class door and opening it to make a sweeping gesture to show them the way out. This could very well be a life-changing moment for these group of cannon fodders.

"Uh-hah yes Faye is correct, we didn't know you already had things planned...," the group leader of the possible future car crash victims says while looking between me and Wilde. Then still looking back he and his minions leave the room, very considerately shutting the door back on their way out.

I am trapped in a room with a deceitful beast! He wants to eat me alive! I also want him to eat me but in a very different way....i am getting distracted by his piercing eyes that are looking at me from under the bangs. THE BANGS THAT I WANT TO SHOVE AWAY! HIDING THAT BEAUTIFUL FACE IS A CRIME!

The villain sama is still standing in his original position like a statue, the only thing moving are his curious eyes that keep moving all over my body like creepy-crawly bugs. "System weewee ah you didn't tell me the crazy wacko villain is a mute?"

"Host, he isn't mute according to the information i got from the database," says the system back to me, its voice doubtful just like mine because neither of us had heard the villain sama speak despite spending half a day with him.

Well it doesn't change anything i suppose, the worst thing possible is that I'll have to give him a paper and pen for him to communicate but my mission will still remain the same. To make him fall for me! No wait..i mean to stop the zombie apocalypse!

i mean to stop the zombie apocalypse!

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