🌟chapter 3🌟

366 10 3

smut 🔞

seungmin held jisung and hyunjin let goes of jisung, and seungmin pushed jisung on the bed.

"hey hyunjin?" (seungmin)

"yeah?" (hyunjin)

"do you have lube?" (seungmin)

"yeah, let me just get it.." (hyunjin)

while hyunjin was walking away from them seungmin turned to jisung who looked so pretty. seungmin started to undress and when he was about to take out his member he glanced at jisung and saw that jisung was looking at him. he took out his member and he saw jisung's eyes widening.

'oh shit how is he gonna fit?!' jisung thought.

"like what you see mommy~?" (seungmin)

"Im back~" (hyunjin)

"oh! seungmin I think mine is bigger than yours" (hyunjin)

"WHAT NO IT'S NOT!?" (seungmin)

"yeah it is" (hyunjin)

"well at least mine is larger" (seungmin)

"whatever mine is longer" (hyunjin)

"hmm...oh! sorry for the wait mommy~" (hyunjin)

"oh! heh sorry mommy" (seungmin)

"I'll pour it in your pretty hole" (seungmin)

"wait..n-no c-c0ndvm?" (han)

"what? of course not" (seungmin)

"yeah we want to feel your warm little hole~" (hyunjin)

seungmin poured some on jisung's hole then on his fingers, he entered one finger first then a second one and pumped it in and out of jisung. jisung started to arch his back and started to whimper.

"hmm~.....mh-! AH-! Ahh~! s-seungm- min- ah~.." (han)

"ah~ shit, seungmin can you hurry up already I want to fvck him already!!!" (hyunjin)

"aish just wait ok?" (seungmin)

"ok I'll take my fingers out and put in my d¡ck in.." (seungmin)

seungmin entered slowly once he's halfway through he slam's into jisung and fvcks him roughly. jisung started m0aning uncontrollably and arch's his back, his eyes closed shut and mouth opened wide. when hyunjin saw this he climbed in bed and took out his member and tapped jisung's cheeks, jisung opened his eyes and saw hyunjin's long member and his eyes wided at the length, hyunjin asked.

"could you svck my d¡ck?" (hyunjin)

"o-Ok ngh-!" (han)

"dude, he's upsidedown.." (seungmin)

"ok then is it alright if he turns around?" (hyunjin)

"I mean yeah but is it ok for you jisung?" (seungmin)

"mhm.. I-! it's o-ok ngh- ah~" (han)

"what a good puppy~" (seungmin)

jisung turns around his back facing seungmin while his face was in front of hyunjin's member. seungmin slam's into jisung again and started to thrust into jisung panting as well. hyunjin held his member and smacked jisung with it.
hyunjin grabbed jisung's chin and made him look up when he saw jisung's face he got h4rd by the view, jisung's eyes looked so fvcked out and he was panting heavily still whimpering. jisung met hyunjin's eyes and saw nothing but hunger , hyunjin tapped jisung's cheeks as a gesture to open his mouth, jisung opened his mouth and hyunjin started to get closer until his member was an inch away from jisung's mouth, he push his member in jisung's mouth and held jisung's head he just wanted jisung to c0ckwarm him so he stayed still, but jisung was getting fvcked from behind and he was moving with the rhythm of seungmin's thrust's so he was moving slightly forward from seungmin's thrust's. hyunjin lifted his head and started to groan.

"argh- ah~ mommy you're so good~...mhh~..." (hyunjin)

"h-hey hyunjin I'm tired, wanna switch now?" (seungmin)

"h-hell yeah ha- mhh~ shit ah~ mommy it's seungmin's turn" (hyunjin)

jisung spat out hyunjin's member and when seungmin came in jisung with the final thrust.

"agh~ yeah finally" (seungmin)


"sorry mommy I got excited..haha" (seungmin)

after seungmin came in jisung, jisung plopped down on the bed and was about to close his eyes when he heard shuffling
'hm they probably decided to do it another day thank god-' han thought. but he then felt something slam into his ass he turn his head to see hyunjin was slamming into him.


"still not done mommy not yet..." (hyunjin)

by hyunjin's long member jisung was getting hit in his g-spot everytime hyunjin thrust's and was m0aning again and again.
but one thing jisung didn't know is that the two(seungmin and hyunjin) were recording all of it from the very beginning, the camera was behind the picture of hyunjin and han on a picture frame on the table infront of them. seungmin was nowhere to be found but he came back with some handcuffs, fluffy handcuffs to be exact. seungmin cuffed jisung's hands on the headboard of the bed and sat beside jisung and went down to svck on jisung's chest biting,svcking, pulling and rubbing. he started to svck on jisung's right jiddie and played with the other one. once seungmin was done with the right jiddie, he went to the left jiddie and did the same thing he did with the other one. while all of this was happening jisung was a m0aning mess and started to shed tears from how hard  seungmin was biting, svcking, pulling on his n¡pples and crying even more from hyunjin's thrusting. when hyunjin came in jisung he took his member out and layed beside jisung when seungmin was satisfied with his art he layed beside jisung as well when hyunjin saw what seungmin did to jisung's jiddies he gasped.


"what?" (seungmin)

"his chest is covered with bite marks!" (hyunjin)

"no wonder he was crying..." (hyunjin)

"dude he'd be sore from his ass and his chest I think he can't go to practice tomorrow..." (hyunjin)

"ah shit we are definitely gonna get scolded by chan-hyung" (seungmin)

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" (hyunjin)

"oh don't act like that wasn't the best s3x you experienced" (seungmin)

"well....it was.." (hyunjin)

"I'll go clean up, you handle him" (seungmin)

"dude what?!" (hyunjin)

"he is your roommate right?" (seungmin)

"ugh whatever" (hyunjin)

seungmin stands up and took a last look of jisung.

"dude be careful he's sleeping.." (seungmin)

"I know I'm always gentle" (hyunjin)

"dude really?" (seungmin)

"just get the hell out seungmin!" (hyunjin)


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