🌟chapter 4🌟

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After cleaning, hyunjin walked to the table and grabbed the camera that was there the whole time and hid it under his bed, he has a wet towel cuz he didn't want to wake up jisung, hyunjin started to wipe jisung's ass, stomach,legs. when he wiped jisung's chest jisung woke up.

"ow-..." (han)

"oh yeah baby you're awake" (hyunjin)

"yeah... I think I might have bruises on my chest it hurts when you wipe it...." (han)

"aish that dumbass" (hyunjin)

"did he bite you that hard?" (hyunjin)

"yeah, he did.." (han)

"well im sorry..." (hyunjin)

"hm?... it's not your fault hyunjinnie..plus it's ok I forgive seungmin..." (han)

"you're such an angel...but..can you do practice tomorrow?" (hyunjin)

"well yeah, I need to anyways..." (han)

"ok then.. just tell us if you can't or need a break they'll understand.." (hyunjin)

after cleaning jisung, hyunjin helped jisung to stand up and helped him to walk down stairs to eat something. while hyunjin was in the kitchen, seungmin walked down the stairs and went to sit with jisung, felix then walked in and sat down with jisung and seungmin. jisung was in the middle, seungmin was on his right, felix was on his left.

seungmin placed his big hand on jisung's thighs, squeezing them a little bit, when Felix saw this he got a bit jelly cuz he always thought that jisung is his and will always be his. so he started caressing jisung's biceps like a stress ball.

hyunjin was done with the food he prepared for the four of them, since he saw felix and assumed that he was hungry as well. he called the three boys on the couch and started to place the food on the table, when they entered they sat down. seungmin still had his hand on jisung's thighs moving up and down. when jisung finished eating he got up and was going upstairs when someone hugged him from behind, it was felix, jisung could feel how felix was inhaling his neck with arms around his waist, they walked together upstairs and felix brought jisung to his room and hugged him again from behind face in jisung's neck, felix closed the door with his feet and started to kiss jisung's neck softly and then switching to kissing to licking felix was licking jisung's neck slowly all while jisung was squirming under Felix's touch, then suddenly Felix's hands were inside of jisung's sweater slightly and gently touching his chest.

"mmm~ felix what are you doing~" (han)

"tasting you~" (felix)

"hm~" (han)

"just...just don't bite okay~?" (han)

"okay baby~" (felix)

felix continued to lick jisung's neck and started to move up and finally facing jisung and they kissed of course felix took the lead and pushed his tongue in. felix felt a soft tug on the hem of his shirt and they both separate jisung was out of breath.

"you good baby?" (felix)

"Im okay baby" (han)

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