🌟chapter 5🌟

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after the kiss, both felix and jisung went to Felix's bed and cuddle, sleeping afterwards.

jeongin soon entered the shared room of him and felix, and saw the two cuddling he saw some free space on the right side of jisung so he climbed in Felix's bed and slept beside jisung hugging his waist, face in jisung's chest, cuz felix was spooning him.


jisung woke up and saw that jeongin had his face in his chest breathing softly, jisung started to gently brush through jeongin's hair and massaging his shoulder's.

he then felt felix leaning in his neck even further he was inhaling deeply breathing into jisung's neck. afterwards, jisung felt tiny and quick little licks on his neck he assumed that felix was awake, so jisung started to caress Felix's arms who was holding jisung's waist but just above jeongin's hands by an inch. felix whispered.

"hey baby you awake?" (felix)

"yes baby, I am" (han)

"ok good, cuz we're going to stay like this for another hour got it?" (felix)

"yes baby, I got it" (han)

"ok baby" (felix)

felix then started to bite jisung's neck gently, not like seungmin but it kinda hurts cuz of Felix's teeth that were a bit sharp and pointy, after bites felix would lick the area and kiss it and then move to another area that doesn't have any bites yet and he would just repeat it, bite then lick then kiss.

after his "work" was done his turned jisung's head to face him and kissed him deeply, after that felix sat up on the bed and slapped jisung's ass making a loud noise.

"hey baby?" (felix)

"yeah baby?" (han)

"I'll go to practice lee know hyung needs us well me and hyunjin only and lee know hyung so if you want to leave you're free to go or...you could wait for me" (felix)

"hm... I'll leave later I don't feel like walking yet" (han)

"ok baby, you can sleep again if you want" (felix)

"thanks baby, you can go now" (han)

"ok baby, I love you" (felix)

"I love you more" (han)

they shared their final kiss and felix left.

"is he gone?" (jeongin)

"oh hey innie, sorry did I wake you up?" (han)

"nope I've been awake the whole time" (jeongin)

"oh ok" (han)

"do you want to eat something?" (jeongin)

"hm..yeah I'm kinda hungry.." (han)

"ok come on let's go downstairs" (jeongin)

but they didn't leave just yet jeongin lifted jisung's shirt and face-planted his face on jisung's now exposed chest, and gave tiny licks around jisung's n¡pples then snuggling his face even more in jisung's chest and then sat up hands on jisung's thighs squeezing it a little. then jisung finally sat up, and both of them went out of the room and went downstairs to grab dinner and sat down on the table and eat in silence.

after eating they went to the living room and snuggle with each other while watching a movie and eating some snacks out from the cabinet.

jisung looked up at jeongin and jeongin looked back down at jisung then leaned in to give jisung a kiss that lasted about a few minutes and jisung got shy and hid in jeongin's chest while jeongin brushed through jisung's hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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