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"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" CLARISSE CRADLED SILENA'S HEAD IN HER LAP. Silena tried to swallow, but her lips were dry and cracked.

"Wouldn't... listen. Cabin would... only follow you."

"So you stole my armor," Clarisse said in disbelief. "You waited until Chris and I went out on patrol, you stole my armor and pretended to be me." She glared at her siblings. "And NONE of you noticed?"

The Ares campers developed a sudden interest in their combat boots.

"Don't blame them," Silena said, "They wanted to... to believe I was you."

"You stupid Aphrodite girl," Clarisse sobbed, "You charged a drakon? Why?"

"All my fault," Silena said, a tear streaking the side of her face. "The drakon, Charlie's death... Camp endangered –"

"Stop it!" Clarisse said, "That's not true."

Aurora's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she observed Silena's struggle to speak. She hovered her hand gently over Silena's burnt face, her wings slightly trembling with emotion.

"Stop straining yourself, Silena. Let me heal you," she whispered softly, her voice filled with compassion. Percy stood behind Aurora, his hand resting reassuringly on her shoulder, offering his silent support.

As Aurora's hand hovered over Silena's face, the injured girl weakly grabbed her hand, stopping her from attempting the impossible.

"No... it won't work," Silena rasped, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's okay. I deserve this."

"Let her heal you, Silena," Clarisse scolded, her voice trembling with emotion, even though they all knew deep down that no amount of healing would save Silena now.

"I deserve it," Silena muttered defiantly, her voice filled with self-blame and regret.

Silena opened her hand. In her palm was a silver bracelet with a scythe charm – the mark of Kronos.

A cold fist closed around Percy's heart. "You were the spy."

Silena tried to nod. "Before – before I liked Charlie, Luke was nice to me. He was so – charming. Handsome. Later, I wanted to stop helping him, but he threatened to tell. He promised... he promised I was saving lives. Fewer people would get hurt. He told me he wouldn't hurt – Charlie. He lied to me."

Percy met Aurora and Annabeth's eyes. The silver-haired girl looked pained yet understanding filled her features. Annabeth, however, her face was chalky. She looked like somebody had just yanked the world out from under her feet.

Behind them, the battle raged.

Clarisse scowled at her cabin mates. "Go, help the Centaurs. Protect the doors. GO!"

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