Season 1 Episode 1: And So It Begins

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Blair smiled as her little brother followed her of the bus, she stood nearby just in case he needed help but laughed when he simply launched himself of the last step and onto their older brother Matt: all three siblings were blue eyed and had different shades of blonde hair, Matt had the lightest blonde of the three while TK had the darkest and Blair was in the middle, her's pulled back into a braid that fell to her waist. The Ishida twins were dressed similar to each other as twins often did, though Blair was wearing a grey sleeveless top and black pants tucked into flat grey ankle boots but wore brown gloves like her big brother. Together with the rest of the other kids, they headed to their tents to put their stuff away before being allowed to wander around the campsite for the rest of the afternoon.

Isn't this place great Blair

It is and you can explore just make sure Matt or I can see you ok. We promised mum we'd look after you

I will I promise

With that the little blonde took of to explore but as promised stayed within sight of his siblings as Blair wandered over to a tree and sat down before pulling out her sketch pad and a pencil.

Feeling something fall on her head, Blair looked up in time to see another snowflake falling from the sky as she put her sketchbook back in her bag and quickly stood up as she saw others starting to head for the one building that was at camp, she and another boy she learned was named Tai had just gotten in and closed the door when the camp was hit by a sudden snow storm in the middle of summer in Japan. Blair felt a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her brothers, glad they were both safe. The blizzard was over quickly and the door was opened.

I guess the canoe races are cancelled so let's have toboggan races instead

Tai stated as he ran out followed by the others, Matt right on TK's tail and Blair trying to get her big brother to loosen up a little. She heard Sora complaining about how she should've brought a jacket and Joe complaining about god knows what, not that she wasn't used to it, he complained a lot. Izzy as always was on his computer again and Mimi was whining about something when they all noticed how strangely the sky was acting.

Check it out, the sky is short circuiting

Could it be an aurora?

Sora asked

Aurora borealis? Impossible, we're to far north

Izzy stated and Blair couldn't help but think he was like a walking encyclopedia. The next moment a green whirlpool appeared and several lights shot out of it and everyone dove for the ground, Matt covering his brother and sister as whatever it was landed: when everyone opened their eyes they were relieved to see that they were safe and that the lights they'd seen were in fact these small strange devices. Blair only had a little time to admire it before they were swept up by a wave of water and she blacked out.

Blair... Blair, wake up Blair

Groaning, the blonde female slowly opened her eyes and blinked as a small pair of eyes looked intently into hers.

Oh good, you're awake, I've been waiting for you

Blair blinked in confusion as she sat up and the little creature slipped into her lap: it was yellow with big blue eyes, a tail with a white tip, pointed ears and four little legs

You have?

That's right

Who are you

My name is Viximon and I am your partner

Huh. Ok Viximon, where am I


I don't suppose you know where the other humans like me are?

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