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???: It was the year 2050, when the war continued, After the end of the Federation War started back in year 2028, the government of the Federation collapsed and New Federation was created. Humanity survives with the help of life-like androids known as Dolls. They built to serve, and some fight in wars, as Tactical Dolls or T-dolls.

???: However, things didn't go as well... the remnants of the Federation have scattered across the globe willing to ignite WW3. But WW3 started with tension between two superpowers, USA and Neo-Soviet Union, the bastards. The War continues six years until 2051. 

In the scene shows some Neo-Soviet Union and Tactical Dolls marching towards the Italy mainland all the sudden, they were ambushed by the mysterious soldiers alongside with Dolls.

???: When the enemy drew near the Rome, some soldiers and Dolls were hidden in the shadows, the dead bodies.

Then a Doll grabbed the first-Generation Doll solider with a knife stabbed him, then a soldier and Doll commence a surprise attack on Neo-Soviet Union.

???: They were hunters, like no one ever seen. The radar cannot be detected due the glitching device unknown for sure. When the battle ends, only one survived, confusing about the attacks. They expressed the warnings to all the Neo-Soviet Union about the anomoly, they called themselves, the ghosts. 

???: Ghosts, were the legendary soldiers, led by the man name Elias walker. He is the among the legendary veterans of the Task Force Stalker AKA ghosts. His tragically past away as the man willing to kill the Ghost name Rorke.

???: When war ended, Legendary veteran founded a new PMC, called the G.H.O.S.T, a largest dominated PMC across the globe.

???: One man inspired the Ghosts, he foresaw, that the Dolls can never been seen in the radar, like the ghosts. He adapted our techniques, willing to hide his creation. This creation of the Life-like Android stealth, called Stealth Tactical Dolls or S T-Doll.

It shows Henry produce the Stealth Tactical Dolls who were all male.

???: With our Stealth Tactical Dolls, we adapted our latest technology better than Relics. We do not exist in our world. We were hidden among themselves.

???: My name is FTac Recon, a battle Rifle, S T-Doll, this is my story, the story how do we involved in the future.


In Interrogation room

Pentagon, Virginia, 2050

A boy sitting on the chair, strapping with belt, this boy has a silver hair, covered his right eye

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A boy sitting on the chair, strapping with belt, this boy has a silver hair, covered his right eye. His eyes were purple. His outfit was black and gold who is looked like an inspiration suits and Gear called BlackCell. Then the boy woke up as his eyes blurring light, and the voice spoke coming from the room with the window.

Interrogator: Wake up. WAKE UP!

???: UUuugh... W-where am I--? Where's 762 and Dima Chernov?

Interrogator: 762 is with us and you will answer our questions. Do you understand?

The boy was confused, his hand was straped on the chair, as the interrogator asked question to him.

???: Who the hell are you?

Interrogator: That's not important. What's important is who you are. What's your name?

???: Fuck you.

Interrogator: When were you created.

???: Kiss my ass you freaks!

Then he was electrocuted as his head full of numbers appeared.

???: AARRRGH!!!

???: Your name is FTac Recon (Taylor). You were created by Henry Morse as a S T-Doll and manufactured by tempura armament and FORGE TAC. 2030, you formed as the BR Ranger Squad. Then you are participation with the different group on the mission in United Kingdom known as operation Terror. Is that correct?

FTac Recon is electrocuted again.

FTac Recon (Taylor): AARRGH!!

Then the interrogator shouted at him.

Interrogator: IS? THAT? CORRECT?!

FTac Recon (Taylor): Yes.

Interrogator: Now then, were is the broadcast station?

FTac Recon (Taylor): I don't know what the fuck are you guys talking about --

Interrogator: The numbers, Taylor. What do they mean? Where are they broadcast from?

FTac Recon (Taylor): I don't know anything about any numbers!

Interrogator: What about the man name Ivan Makarov. Jonathan Price arch enemy? Do you remember him? Give us what we want and we'll guarantee your safety.

FTac Recon (Taylor) is again electrocuted, as he felt in cried in pain.

FTac Recon (Taylor): AARRRGH!

Interogator: Let's start at the beginning, in United Kingdom 2033, London. We know you were there with Tactical Commander Hesh and Logan.


This scene shows about the First Belian Incident, then the major ciris, tension, Second Russian Revolutionary war, etc. The Automonus doll introduce

FTac Recon (Taylor): No--

Interrogator: Do not FUCK with me, Taylor. I know when you're lying! 2033. London. What did you do during the mission to hunt down the two Iranian terrorist, Barham Farzin and Akhtar Ali. 

Interrogator: The president from the White House order the G.H.O.S.T to kill or captured alived!

FTac Recon (Taylor): *laughs* We all got killed by Iranian terrorist. AND YOU DO KNOW ANY IDEA WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!

Interrogator: There's no use lying, Taylor. We know you went in the London with three Stealth Tactical Dolls: ISO Hermlock (Andrei), SPX-80 (Sebastian) and WSP Swarm (Noah), and two Tactical Commanders led by Walkers brothers.

FTac Recon (Taylor): ISO Hermlock, SPX-80, WSP Swarm, Hesh... and Logan.

Interrogator: Ivan Makarov. Do you remember Ivan Makarov?

FTac Recon: I remember... two tactical Commanders led us to London to capture or kill two Iranian leaders.

To be continued.

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