Episode 7 the Numbers

39 6 5

Room 10

Interrogator: We have the dossier that the defector gave you at MACV in North Korea. We also ID'd all of Makarov's men, they are the former Paramilitary Konni Group personnel, Sergey Khristenko, David Archer, Raul Whihelm, and Adam F. Jones. You know them. They are the Mastermind of Project Nova.

FTac Recon (Taylor): Nova 6, Chernov called it Nova 6. Makarov... Nova 6 was created by Steiner and made off Collapse Fluid mixed with Relics, Neodymium, rhenium, and sulfur.

Interrogator: And that's how it does Steiner made the Nova 6 with the relics, collapse technology, and everything else. What do you know about Adam Jones? We know that Jones was the chemical engineer who formulated Nova 6. And didn't know who is Raul Whihelm, he was a German scientist who followed his grandfather's footsteps during WW2. 

Interrogator: Major Jonathan Price was sent to Nanning to interrogate Jones with Chernikov alongside his Task Force 161. Do you remember?!

FTac Recon (Taylor): Why keep asking? You already know everything.

Interrogator: No, Taylor. We don't know what the numbers mean. We don't know where they're broadcast from!

FTac Recon (Taylor): Why don't you ask Jonathan? Nanning was his mission. He interrogated jones.


Nanning, China (green Zone)

Nanning, China

Major Jonathan Price

February 9, 2035

Coughing is heard as the scene shows the interrogating with Task Force 161 and, Chernikov.

Jones: Don't you morons get it? if you think your government-sponsored brutality intimidates me all about the secret Relics? You don't know anything about Makarov. I have nothing to gain by talking to you.

Will Riley fire his pistol at the window giving more shards a brutality, Jonathan grabbed the shards in two and sticks the shard in Jones mouth and punches him until his lips bleed.

Will Riley: We can do this all day. We got plenty of windows...

Chernikov: Do what will said, or we'll let you live.

Thea: Or you can give us what we want, and we guarantee your safety...

Jones spits out the remaining shards of glass in his mouth along with some blood.

Jones: I am already a dead man... I've been hunted down across every corner of the globe... And if you found me, so will they... they know everything you know... They're probably on their way now.

Jonathan: Why?

Jones: Makarov doesn't like loose ends with Americans and the west... I've never even dealt wit him directly, only Raul Whihelm - The German.

Jonathan: What was the nature of your business?

Jones: I was hired to help stabilize certain experiment compounds...

Chernikov looks at Jonathan, stunned, but also notices movement outside their location, grabbing his assault rifle to prepare for contact as his members also did.

Thea: Oh shit... we got company!

The TF-161 ready their weapons at the window as Jonathan spoke to him.

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