Chapter - 4

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Ezrel's POV

I went to my journalism class which Kiara showed me the way to.

Brestwood high is not just any school. It does not operate like other schools.
Here you can be a highschool student and still choose to have different subjects from other students.
Like me and Kiara, we both have english and economics together but we also have some other subjects that the other don't.

Its like studying in a college which is one of the many things I love about this school.

I entered the classroom. No one seemed to care enough to look my way which I was grateful for.
I quietly walked to the last second bench and sat.

The teacher came. He introduced himself, told us about his journey, why he chose this field and all.

Mr. Humphrey started the lecture with the topic 'Correlation of media and government'.

Students started discussing the topic amongst themselves, some asked him certain questions , spoke their opinions.
Everything was going fine.

The class was about to over I was busy writing the notes when the class went suddenly silent.

It was so quiet that I had to look up to see why and I tensed to find none other than Dylan standing at the door.
He had changed into a black t-shirt and black jeans with a black leather jacket that molded perfectly into his broad , powerful shoulders.

He walked inside.
He didn't mind that he was interrupting or that everyone was staring at him.

He have that attitude of 'I don't give a fuck' . He examines the room for a bit ,his eyes searching then finally find mine.

My breath caught as those grey eyes locked onto mine. Heat coiled inside me eating its way up my throat. Why is it that he made me so uncomfortable in my own skin just by looking?

His lips lifted , that stupid little smirk

I watched as the teacher start to scold him for being late but when he realises who he is , He stopped and politely asks him,

"Is there a reason you might be here Mr. Hunter?"
"because I don't think I would forget if you were in my class"?after a sec he added.

I forced my head towards my notebook and continued writing or atleast pretended to.

"do you have a problem If I want to join your lecture professor" his voice turned hard towards the teacher but his eyes, those eyes were on me. I can feel them but didn't dare look up.

", please take a seat"

The silence was unnerving.

Why would he come here? What does he want from me? He is not even in this class for fuck's sake.
Does he think I will tell on him about what I saw?

Booted steps stomp across the floor. They come closer and closer to where I was sitting.

I prayed he won't sit here that he might be really interested in the lecture and I was just overthinking but all my hopes broke when he without saying anything sat in the chair beside mine.

My grip tightened on the pen I was holding but I didn't look at him , I tried to not notice the way his body took up the whole space, the way his scent pierce through my nostrills, all the thoughts vanished and his scent was all I could think about.

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