Chapter 1

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Ezrel's Pov

"Your name"? the woman behind the counter asked

"Ezrel"......"Ezrel Bartod" I told her sliding my id towards her. She checked it on the list on the computer infront of her.

It was around 10:00 p.m , I was standing in the office of Brestwood high.

The train I was supposed to take was late. Then after arriving here in brestwood , it took me atleast 2 hours to arrive here.
Brestwood high is at the end of the town, in its outskirt I shoud say.
There are no houses or any other buildings near it. You would have to walk atleast a mile to reach the main town.

"your room no. is 101 in the first building of the girl's dorm" handing me my id and keys to the room , She told me the way to the dorm.

I mumbled a thank you to her and was about to move out of the office when she spoke stopping me in my track.

"Meet the director first, his office is on the left"

I blinked I was so tired. All I wanted to do was unpack my stuff and take some rest before the first class tomorrow.
Nodding at her I went out to the principal's office.

I knocked on the door of the office. the male voice behind the room asked me to come in.
Opening the door I went inside and there sat behind the desk the owner of brestwood high.

Mr. Theodore Warren is one of the most richest man in brestwood he not only owns this huge prestigious school but many other companies not to mention he have his own hospitals across the country. He is in his 60s but is perfectly build.

"Good evening sir" I wished him as I walked a little and stand a feet from his desk.

Mr. Warren met my eyes with his blue ones.

"Good evening Ms. Bartod please take a seat" taking a seat on the chair I looked at him as he continued.

"I wanted to meet you personally because you are one of the very few who got the scholarship" I nodded waiting for him to complete.

"Its not everyday that we get scholarship students in brestwood and its my duty to tell you that if you have any problem in my school please do let me know and enjoy your senior year here"

"I really appreciate it sir"

"Oh please dont call me that.
Mr. Warren is fine , we dont have that kind of formalities here"

"thank you ....Mr. Warren now may I....?"

"oh yes yes go and study and have fun" he said waving his hands.

I walked out of the office.
Mr. Warren is a nice person. I just hope that students here are nice too or atleast doesn't cause problems.


I walked into the campus and my mouth turned into an o as i gazed towards the huge buildings
Brestwood high's architecture is both historic and modern.

Looking at it all I could think is that I am lucky to be here. It would take me a bit of time to adjust here or maybe never.

I know that I don't actually belong to these elite children category but whatever ,I don't exactly give a shit.

Stopping in the middle of the campus I again took in the buildings.

They are not exactly the tall kind of building but more like a huge mansion kind if you understand what I mean. There are three main dark greyish buildings, each three story high . One is built at the centre and the other two on either side of it at enough distance.

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