Chapter 5: The Show Must Go On

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Hey guys!!! Just wanted to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone, silent reader or not!! Especially zerriezap and Little_MixLover because you guys just make me happy I CAN'T. Like, when I saw that you guys commented, voted, and added this fic to your reading list, I just squealed and started rolling on the floor, laughing.

That's pretty much what I do when I'm so happy.... :\\\

Anyway, back to all of you, here's Chapter 5! Oh and the photo on the right side is AGAIN not mine!!


        "Perrie, you should go out," Jade begins while said rockstar eats her breakfast at a slow pace. This is a first time.

        Perrie looks up from her food, "What,do you want me to go outside so that the paparazzi would take pictures of me and ask about my red eyes?" she scoffed. All she wanted to do today were to eat, sleep, watch the tele, and stay away from the Internet. Are those too much to ask for? The last thing she wanted to happen was to face millions of news reporters and the paparazzi asking if the whole 'Zayn sleeping with that Aussie waitress' was true. What was that Aussie's name again? Courtney She-doesn't-give-a–Oh, wait. Courtney Webb.

        "I didn't sleep with Courtney! I don't even know her!"  Tch, yeah right. How did he know her name if he 'didn't' know her? Perrie remembers real well that she didn't mention any name aside from his.

        Perrie was brought back to reality when she heard Jade say something, "No, I meant that you should go out for...y'know...fresh air," the older member responds calmly, eyeing at the rockstar.

        Perrie starts a mental debate in her brain. Well, Jade did have a point. "But what about the news reporters and the paparazzi?" "You should go for it. You can't just stay in this hotel and in your hotel room the whole day."

        "Fine," Perrie gives in. She doesn't have a choice, does she? "But I'll come out if I want to. Is that okay?" she looks at her bandmate. The blue-haired member gives her a smile as a yes.

        "Anyway," Perrie changes the subject, "what do we have for today?" She glances at Jade and looks up at Leigh-Anne and Jesy, who have just arrived with their own plate. Perrie vaguely remembers if she and the girls have a tour today or not. Stupid Zayn for ruining her life. If he told her at some other time, she won't be this stressed.

        But if Zayn did tell her at some other time, maybe after their tour, Perrie is positive that she will totally hate on him forever. She could imagine herself throwing things at him or destroying her belongings because of it. She could even call Zayn words that Perrie never called anyone.

        "Sweetie," Perrie looks at Jesy. Oh, God. Perrie needs to stop having thoughts running in her brain. "Management are postponing it right now. The fling has reached them and they decided to give you a break." Jesy gives her a sympathetic look. Perrie deserves the break. She should rest. If she didn't and the girls moved on with the tour, Perrie might just collapse again out of exhaustion.

        "What?! No! WHY?!" Perrie protested. "I'm fine! I'm perfectly fine!" she insisted, even if everything she said were completely false.

        Why would Management do that to her? She doesn't deserve this. They didn't have to do that. Yes, Perrie felt touched at the thought because that meant Management cared for her and the girls. But if Perrie was asked about her opinion to this offer, she'd politely decline it. This whole 'fling' was strictly between her and Zayn only. It just spread because of that big-mouth of a waitress.

        Oh, who is she kidding? The problem was Zayn's, not hers. Not like she was the witness to the whole fling or something. She was just affected in a very bad way because of this affair because she was Zayn's girlfriend, a mere companion. It's not like that Management or even the news reporters, the paparazzi, and the fans would actually care or ask her questions if she wasn't Zayn's girlfriend. That's pretty much what society is today, she believes.

        "Perrie," Perrie snaps out of her reverie. Okay, she's serious. She has to stop daydreaming or even thinking about anything remotely related to that...issue.

        "You need to rest." Jesy placed a hand on Perrie's shoulder, stroking it in concern.

        But Perrie wasn't hearing any of it. She didn't want to rest if they had a busy schedule. What about the fans? That was all she really thought ever since her fight with Zayn. The fans. Her and the girls' Mixers. Those Mixers that could be saddened at the fact that their meeting with the girls has been postponed, all because of one fling.

        Perrie wasn't like those members in some bands who don't give a shit with the fans. She believes that the fans were the ones who raised them to popularity. It was One Direction's Directioners who raised the band to popularity. Perrie has seen pictures all over the Internet of the boys, and there would always be a caption, saying: From the bottom of the stairs to the top of the world.

        So, right now, Perrie would like to see her fans screaming for the girls' names, or singing along with them. That was Perrie's main priority.

        "Jesy, please tell me that Management haven't postponed it yet," she begged, looking at Jesy with her famous puppy-dog eyes. The oldest member looked away from her, knowing that if she stared too long, she will give in.

         "Well, Management did say that they're going to leave the schedule open in case you change you mi–" Jesy tried to say but Perrie cut her off.

        "Perfect!" Perrie grinned. "Jade, please give me my phone." She turns to her blue-haired friend. Jade gave it to her hesitantly, but Perrie didn't seem to notice as she mentioned an abrupt thank you.

         Perrie stood up, "Girls, excuse me. I have to make a call." She immediately walked out of the restaurant in their hotel without waiting for her bandmates' response.

        When she left, the girls begin to talk about her. "She's going to exhaust herself, isn't she?" Jade  turned to Jesy and Leigh-Anne with a downcast look.

Leigh-Anne nodded, "She wants to prove to everyone that she isn't like any of those teenage girls who can't do anything for a long time after a fight with her boyfriend. I just know it. I know she's that type of girl," she explained as she played with her food before eating a piece.

        Jesy sighed, "I just hope she won't collapse again like last night."

        And just like that, Perrie arrived with a big smile. "Guys! Management said the tour won't be postponed now that I told them I can do it. They were so glad that I called because they were about to announce it on Twitter. Isn't that amazing?" she said this all with that grin never leaving her lips.

        For the first time ever since last night, Perrie never knew she'd smile this big.

        Jesy, Jade, and Leigh-Anne smiled back. That's their Bam Bam.

        "It is. Hurry, girls, the tour will be starting in a few hours. Let's go!" Jesy cheered. The rest of the girls laughed as they all had a grouphug when they stood up.

         Together, they are Little Mix. No one and nothing can bring them down.


Guys, I'm so sorry it the chapter's pretty short. Still deciding what to do with Zayn and the boys, as Perrie would call them. I think I'd like to give them more trouble. Well, actually give Louis trouble.

Oh God I'm rambling. Anyway, you know what to do! Vote, comment, add this fic to your reading list, and follow me! Or something...

Love you all!!-Cheyenne

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