Chapter 18: Let Me Help You, Okay?

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If you are wondering what Louis is doing on the other side, read my note below! (It's long, though. Sorry!) This chapter is all about alternate Zouis then Lirry then Zouis then a bit of Zarry!


"So...Tell me why you think you knew what's going on a while ago?"

Zayn gives Louis a look of utter confusion. He opens his mouth, as if to say something, but then shuts it quickly when bits from his dream flashed in his mind.

Oh yeah. That.

Zayn lets out a huge sigh, making Louis' look up at him.  "Let's just say that...I had this dream...or maybe a nightmare last night. When I slept in the hotel with a sleeping bag..."


"So you lo–"

"Not too loud, please?"

He minimizes his voice a bit. "So you're saying you fancy him? But haven't you like, loved him a while back or something?"

"Yeah, but that was a while back, when he was with her. I was jealous a bit when she came and then they'd hang out or something, but I just accepted that he loved her and he'll never love me and believe me, it worked."

"So, you didn't love him anymore at those times?"

"Well, yeah. But things sorta changed when he started avoiding me..? Like, one day I'm all buddy-buddy with him, and now he can't even stand being in the same room as I. And he's not even looking at me or talking to me, unless when we're on interviews or something."


"And then, it came back. But then I started hating him a bit, and then that 'incident'," he makes quotation marks with his fingers, "had my feelings for him change. Like, a whole lot."

"I don't know what to do, Li."  He looked at Liam with a smile. But it wasn't the usual smiles that Liam sees, they were the closed, tight-lipped smile, and his eyes were clouding with so much sadness and misery and Liam's never seen him this broken for a while. The last time he was like this was when people were criticizing him and hating on him for no reason at all.

"Harry..." Liam stared, placing a hand on the curly brunette's shoulder. Harry's eyes darted at the hand on his shoulder, as if it was a criminal's, but then he looked back at Liam, a bitter smile on his lips.

"I don't know, Li." Harry shrugged as he let out a huge sigh. "I don't know if I see him as a dear brother or friend, or something more. I don't know."

"Everything and everyone just stops me or confuses me when I try to decide my feelings for him. There's Management, there's my career or my fame, there's this nagging feeling inside me that if Louis and I ever become together, the fans would leave. There's this other feeling that just tells me to do what I want."

"But then, before that incident, I knew for a fact that I was annoyed at him for...not paying so much attention at me but then he hangs out even more with Josh, Jon, Dan, and Sandy. He even hangs out even more with Paul, for fuck's sake. And I'm just here being left alone like I never existed."

"It sucks to know when at first you're so close with your best friend, that he literally tells you everything, and then they suddenly turn their back away from you, like you were some toy," Harry spat the last word before replacing the frown on his face with a bitter chuckle.

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