Chapter 8: A normal day

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In the morning I woke up to Charlie getting up from the bed "sorry I didn't mean to wake you, I have to go get ready for school" he said as I sat up. "Oh okay, bye" I said as I rubbed my eyes "bye James" he said as he hugged me then he left. I laid back down as I picked up my watch and put it on, I looked at the time "it's only 7 am, ugh" I said as I put the covers back on.
I laid there for a bit before Lizzy opened the doors "James you're still not up?" Lizzy asked as she walked in and shut the doors behind her, she turned on the lights then came and sat at the edge of my bed "why do you have two pillows? Did Charlie spend the night with you?" I sat up as I glanced at the other pillow next to me. "Oh yeah he did" I said as I got out of bed "that's just a normal thing he does?" She asked as I walked over to my desk and put on the hoodie that Charlie left this morning "no that was his first time because we got carried away last night from talking and he was too tired to go to his own bed so he stayed with me no big deal" I said as I sat down in the chair and pulled out my literary work for today. "Mhh if you say so" she said as she walked over to me and sat in the seat next to me "okay work, all you have to do read this article and write a one page summary about it then rewrite it in your own words" she explained, I sighed as I slammed my head on the desk. "That's a lot of work" I complied, Lizzy rolled her eyes "you lazy bum, finish the work while I go get us breakfast" she said as she pat me on the back then got up and left. I sat there for a whole reading the article then I started writing a summary going back and forth from reading then to writing until I finally finished my summary! "Ugh, now I have to write this whole article in my own words!?" I thought out loud.
After an hour I finally finished all my work.
Lizzy walked in with our breakfast "sorry there was along line and tons of traffic" she said as she sat
next to me and gave me my food. "Why didn't you go to the
breakfast place down the street?" I asked as I started eating "I wanted to get my favorite meal and they don't have it there" she said as she took a bite of her food. "It looks like a normal omelet?" I said confused "oh shut up it's different" I rolled my eyes as I continued eating.
"If you say so"
"I do"
We were silent after that. "Did you finish your work?" She asked as she picked up my papers "yeah also, i hate it and will probably redo it tonight" Lizzy nodded. "You know, you always have a way with your words when it comes to writing" she said as she read my paper. "It's not that good" I said as I looked at it with her "yeah well you use really big words, what school did you go to before?" She asked, "It was a private school called West bridge high" Lizzy's jaw dropped. "You know that's like the best school in london right?!" She asked, I nodded "yeah" I said quietly. "There's no way, you know the prince goes there right? Have you met him before?" I didn't know how to reply to that. I could say yeah I did because it's not technically a lie because I am the prince. Or I can say no and call it a day.
"Yes I have"
"No way! What's he like?"
I didn't know how to reply to that either. "We'll he's quiet and keeps to himself and likes reading" was all I could say "oh my god he sounds so cool!" She said excitedly. "Yeah, anyway can we talk about something else now?" I said, trying to change the subject.
"Sure, how long do you plan on staying here? Are you planning on returning home?" She asked curiously, "I do not plan on going home and I would like to stay here forever with Charlie but I don't know if that will happen" I said quietly. "I know living in a shed can be hard but think about how hurt Charlie would be if you left" I didn't want to think about that, I didn't want to ever think about hurting Charlie. "I know he'll be crushed, we all will" Lizzy smiled, I chuckled as I hugged her "Thank you Lizzy I really needed that" I said it's a small smile.
"You're welcome, now wanna play a game?" She asked as she stood up "sure, what game?" I asked as I put my papers in my folder and put it on the
shelf. "Well I brought checkers" she said as she brought it out of her backpack "oh I love that game" I said as I sat down on the couch. I pulled up the table so we could play on it. Lizzy set the game up and we started playing.
"I jumped you"
"Gosh Lizzy, how are you so good!?"
I took my move and waited for her to go. Lizzy moved right into my trap "thanks" I said as I jumped her. "Crap, you tricked me didn't you?" I nodded as I won "hah, I won" I said as I chuckled. "Good job you are actually really good" she said with a smile "thanks you to" I said as we started cleaning it up. Lizzy put the game back into her bag as the doors opened "charlie" I said as he walked in. "James" he said as I hugged him "you won't believe what Lizzy made me do today!" I complied as I laid down on the couch.
"What, what did she do that was so terrible?" He asked as he looked at Lizzy as she left. "She made me read an article, write a summary and write the whole article in my own words!" Charlie chuckled "seems like you had an eventful day" he said as he placed his bag on the floor then came to sit by me. "Tell me about it, I'm exhausted" I moved my legs so he could sit down then I rested them on him.
"I'm so glad your home" I said as I glanced at him "me to i'm so tired and I had to explain to my parents why I didn't come home last night" I turned to face him "what did you say?" I was concerned. "I told them I was staying with a friend and my phone was dead" I let out a sigh of relief "okay good" I said as charlie chuckled again. "You didn't think I would let it slip that easily did you?" I shook my head "no, but you never know?" I shrugged with a nervous smile.
"So how was your day today?" I asked genuinely curious "it was good, I mainly talked to Zack and a few of his friends today so that was fun" he said with a shrug. "Oh that's nice, how is he by the way" I asked concerned for him "he's doing good now, and he's really grateful you came to talk to him the other day he really appreciated it" charlie told me. "Oh yeah, I'm glad I really messed up and I needed him to know I was sorry and I im not normally like that" I said as I looked away. "Yeah, you've really boosted his confidence so thank you" a small grin played on my lips "i'm glad, he's a good person at heart" after that it went silent for a moment.
"Wanna go to the library?"
"I thought you'd never ask"
Me and Charlie got up as we left. We started walking towards the library when he finally said something. "you know, you never really talk about your dad much-what's he like?" I was caught off guard by that question. "My dad is the most amazing person I have ever met" I said softly "he's caring and loving and always there for you no matter what-I don't know what he saw in my mom" charlie was quiet for a moment.
"Did it hurt to leave him?" Charlie asked quietly "it did but he was the one that told me to leave, he helped me leave" charlie looked at me in shock. "Your dad must really love you if he helped you leave" I nodded in agreement. "Dad said he always wanted what was best for me even if it meant never seeing him again" Charlie stopped walking and hugged me tight.
"I'm so sorry James, you didn't deserve to be treated so terribly. I'm glad you had someone who cared about you" I stood there for a moment before hugging him back. "Thanks Charlie, you don't know how much that means to me" Charlie smiled as he put his hands on my shoulders "now come on let's go get you some new books" he smiled as we walked into the library. "I'm going to go to the horror section. Let's meet back up in the fantasy, okay?" Charlie asked "sure" I said as I walked over to the romance section. I know fantasy's and happy endings don't exist but I wish I had a happy relationship like all these books.
A guy having a boyfriend and everyone knew and everyone was okay with it. I wish I could have a happy relationship without it ruining my relationship with other people. I wish I could come out and not care what anyone thinks of me. I wish I was confident enough to even just tell Charlie or Lizzy. But let's be real, I'm not.

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