I Didnt Mean To Yell I Swear

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Abuse mentioned
Ages: Gerard 25 Y/n 23

(Behind story: Y/n was abused while growing up by her dad and suffers from ptsd so when Gerard comes home angry, it scares her.)

I was sitting at the kitchen table scrolling through my phone when Gerard came home, slammed the door, and went to the bedroom. He was angry. I could tell, but I didn't know what at.

I got scared when I heard his punch the wall, and it brought back the horrible memories. I got up shakey as I went up to the door.

I creaked it open to see him sitting on the edge of the bed "baby u ok?" I said scared "no just leave me alone, " he said quietly.

"U sure?" I said, trying to be comforting, but that sure as hell didn't work at all.

"Please just leave me alone!" He shouted at me, making me flinch as he watched me run out of the room.

I was mad because the band all got into a fight over something so stupid, but of course, my dumbass had to drag it home.

Y/n had a bad past, and she gets scared over yelling and hiting too much, and she will blow.

I know she was just tryna be nice and comfort me, but of course, I yelled. Iv never ever yelled at her or layed a hand on her and never will I.

As I yelled, she ran out of the room and to the balcony, slamming the door. She hates me now im sure of it she probably thinks I remind her of her dad after this she's gonna pack her shit and leave fuck Gerard ur so stupid.

I got up and went outside to see her sitting on the step curled in a ball, legs up to her knee, repeating the word "sorry" over and over again. She stood up and looked at me, eyes of fear. "Babygirl, you know I didn't mean it." she nods, still silent until finally something breaks loose. "A-are you gonna hit me too," my mouth shut. I walked over to hug her, and she flinched. I hug her gently as her shaking slows down.

"You know I would never ever hit u or hurt u," I said, petting her hair as she cried. I grabbed her hand as I held her close. Looking into her eyes, I still saw a glimpse of fear. "You know I love you and would never ever hurt you, your mine and mine forever," I said, kissing her gently as her shaking stopped.

"Let's go inside it's getting dark. I'll make u some dinner, and we will watch movies together, ok?" "Ok" she said silently.

She went to go sit on the couch as I went to go get her a hoodie of mine, actually her favorite one since I knew she loved them. "Here ya go washed and everything," she hugged me "thanks Gee"

Let's just say I will never yell at her again. I made her her favorite dinner as we sat down and watched movies her eventually falling asleep in my arms.

534 words

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