Chapter 1

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Bold means she's saying it in her head

Regular is outside 

Slanted is A/N


"Hey Amalia! Can you come down here, hun?" Eleanora's sweet and melodic voice drifted through the hall.

"Yeah! Be there in a sec!" I called back down to my girlfriend, saving the information I had found on Axle and shut the laptop. "What do you need, my dear hero?"

"Just go check on the balcony. Please?" I kissed her forehead and walked out onto the balcony. All was calm, Melite and Archie were playing in the backyard with Kosta and Avonlea. They waved up at me and I smiled. Everything was back to normal, like before Eleanora was kidnapped by Axle. There were no more heroes and villains among us.

I had no clue why Eleanora sent me out here, until I saw the kids. There were nine kids standing outside the fence. I gently floated myself off the balcony, wobbling a bit as I moved but successfully set myself down behind them without a hitch.

They were studying the front door, taking turns shoving each other towards the door.

I smiled watching them. "Hello!"

They yelped and turned around quickly, I finally got a good look at them.

They carried themselves like soldiers, or heroes, they were all very beautiful young people.

The first two, closest to me, looked to be around my age, maybe a year younger. [they're 17 and Amalia is 18] Judging by the way they were standing, slightly leaning towards each other, they were definitely bestfriends and had been so for a couple years. They had seen things together. The guy had unruly raven black hair and sea green eyes, like crystallized waves. His features were adorned by a troublemaker smile and several scars.

His best friend was absolutely stunning. She had golden hair, in beautiful loose curls, and striking gray eyes. Her eyes held secrets, dark secrets yet so beautiful.

Next to them on the right side was a sixteen year old boy. He looked a lot like a Roman statue, with cropped blonde hair, piercing blue eyes like lightning and a small scar on the top of his lip.

He had an arm wrapped around another guy and a girl. The guy was short, looked like a Latino Santa's elf, with brown eyes and a mechavious smile.

The girl the blonde was holding onto was very beautiful. She had multicolored eyes that seemed to sparkle and shift in the sunlight. Her hair was choppy like she was trying to hide her beauty and it hadn't turned out so well, there was an eagle feather perched in her braids.

Then there was an African American girl, with long, curly cinnamon brown colored hair and hazel golden eyes which look like fifteen karat gold. She was very pretty.

She was standing next to the final four people. A Chinese American boy who was very muscular, a girl with long brownish black hair done in butch braids, a pale boy wearing all black, matching his eyes and hair, and a sunshine boy who looked like the exact opposite of the boy next to him.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I narrowed my eyes at the group.

"We were wondering where we were." The blonde boy spoke up, flashing a smile that I returned.

"Like what year or what place?"

"Year." The girl with rainbow eyes said.

"Well, it's currently 2097." Their eyes widened and I laughed a little. "I assume you're not from this time?"

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