Chapter 2

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As we walked out of the room, I grimaced at the burn in my thigh. Kosta didn't notice, nor had Eleanora or Malcom, which I was thankful for. I can take care of it on my own later on.

Eleanora had gone ahead with the others, so that was one problem avoided, now I just had to avoid letting Kosta or the others know.

"Hey, Kosta." I said as we arrived at the living room and he looked over at me. "I'm gonna go to my room to change into something not absolutely destroyed by my powers. I'll be back in time for the movie, I promise."

He looked down at me worriedly, like a mother hen deciding to let her chicks out or not. "Are you sure you'll be okay going alone? I or Eleanora can stand outside of your room if you want. You're still pretty shaken up by the illusion."

I shook my head, backing up in the direction of my room. "Nah, I'll be fine."

"Be careful." I heard my brother mutter as I backed around the corner. Only when I was fully out of sight did I let a tear slip at the pain, limping up the stairs to my room.

Once I was in my room I shut the door and locked it before looking for the ace bandages and disinfectant I kept for emergencies.

I found everything, including a pocket knife, and set it on my desk, propping my leg up on the chair. I carefully cut away the fabric in that area of my thigh, sucking in a breath as I accidentally cut myself.

I grabbed the rag off my desk, shoving it into my mouth, doing my best to ignore the sting as I began disinfecting the cuts. I only screamed twice, replacing them with sobs and buckets of tears.

I was gingerly wrapping the bandages around my thigh when I heard someone gasp.

I looked up and found Jason staring back at me, surprised and curious.

"Oh my god, Jason! How did you sneak up on me like that?" I removed the cloth, tossed it in the trash and opened my closet door.

I found a pair of white jeans, praying to god that they wouldn't stain, as he answered. "Are those recent or old?"

"They're fairly recent." I fibbed, wincing as I walked towards the bathroom. "I'll be right back out."

I closed the bathroom door, letting out a sigh, and stared at myself in the mirror.

Blood, my blood, was splattered across my nose and cheeks like my freckles, tears tracks stained my face and my eyes were red and puffy. One eye was severely bruised and in the reflection of the mirror, I could see my arm was starting to turn purple and blue with bruises.

I changed into the jeans and threw a flannel over my black shirt, hoping it would be enough to cover my bruised arm.

I opened the door, not surprised to find Jason still there.

"What can I help you with, Jason?" I asked, limping to put the supplies back into the drawer at the top of my dresser.

"You just seemed really shaken, so I wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay." I nodded at his answer, finding it caring but not completely truthful.

"Well, my new friend, will you go grab some pain killers from the balcony below mine?" He nodded and disappeared under the balcony as I threw the pants and fabric away.

I had finished wiping the blood from my face and desk when Jason came back with two pain killers and a glass of water.

He glided over, handed me the meds and water before retreating back to the balcony.

I chuckled at his antics after I took the pills. "Jason, you know you're welcome in, right?"

He floated inside as I moved into my bed, patting the seat across from me. Jason sat on the very edge and I smirked.

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