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Space is a territory unknown to most living creatures. It is an eternal abyss of emptiness that countless people have tried to reach beyond to learn the truth of everything. Some were doing well, others not.

Our protagonist of this story, Y/n L/n has gained a special ability, the source being unknown to anyone, the ability to travel anywhere. Ever since childhood, he always loved to explore new areas, even if it was dangerous.

With this power, he could fulfill his most wished desire... to explore the unknown.

Who knows? Maybe he'll gain new friends along the journey through the stars.


Sitting on the ground were two people going through one of the person's photos that he had taken, the boy being Y/n L/n. After traveling with the Astral Express for a while, he decided to go and visit some of his old friends that he had made during his travels alone before meeting the Nameless.

"Hm? Ne, when did you take this picture?" The girl beside Y/n asked. The girl showed him the picture that he was holding. 

"Hm?" Y/n looked at the picture as nostalgia showered him. "Ah, that picture. I took it when I first joined the Astral Express. By then there was only Himeko, Welt, and Pom-Pom." Y/n explained.

"Later on Dang Heng, being this boy." Y/n showed a picture of Dang Heng holding an empty plate with lasagna on the ground while Y/n was holding the camera, sprinting away. "And March being this girl." Y/n showed a picture of March aiming her bow menacingly at Y/n while he was holding his and her camera running away. "And this is Stelle!" He showed a picture of Stelle with her head down the trashcan. 

"Huh... She kinda looks like someone I know." The girl pointed at March. "Man... it was a long time ago I've seen her, hope she's doing okay."

"Really?" Y/n looked back at the picture of March 7th. "You really have many friends to be able to think they look like them."

"Ehe~ Perks of being strong." The girl grinned. "Got any more photos to share?"

"Unfortunately, I'm all out." Y/n said. "Those were the late pictures I took, being in the Herta space station."

"Aww~ Bummer." The girl pouted.

Y/n stood up and stretched his arms before letting out a big sigh. "Alright, I think I should head back to them now, I haven't seen them in weeks."

"When will you come back?" The girl asked.

"Hm... Dunno. The last thing I heard is that we're going to Penacony, the land of the dreams or something like that." Y/n said. 

"I wish I could follow... ugh, sometimes I wish I could just quit my job." The girl flopped on the ground.

"Ha! That's why I don't get jobs because they're annoying as hell." Y/n grinned, much to the girl's dismay.

"Lucky you, being so free." The girl mumbled which he heard.

"Hm... yeah I guess I am lucky." Y/n said after thinking for a while. He never really has had any work, instead, he has just been traveling, something he enjoyed very much. "I'm quite glad I'm so lucky." He smiled.

The girl looked at him before standing up beside him. "Well, I guess I should head back, it's getting darker here." She then proceeded to randomly out of nowhere hug him. "I'll see you later, Y/n."

Startled by the hug, Y/n slowly hugged back. "What's with the hug?"

"Just felt like it." The girl said. "I haven't really seen you in a while."

"Ha~? What are you talking about, I usually visit you two times a month." Y/n said, confused about what she meant. 

"...It's nothing~" The girl said before letting go of the hug. "See you later, Y/n."

"Yeah." Y/n opened up a portal. "I'll see you later, Kiana."


Word: 612


Just to clarify, this story is kinda a continuation of the Honkai Impact story I'm writing, but with a little twisty twister on the balls-

I'm not tired I'm just feeling dumb currently.

This was written after chapter one because it felt a bit weird jumping straight into Penacony... which I'm still gonna do.



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-Lenny out

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