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The duo arrives at a crooked house in a calm neighborhood. The wooden walls are rotten and some of the windows broken. Neighboring houses are characterized by their ground level build and well-cared gardens. An elder man waves as them as he waters some colorful flowers among static peas.
Lilith tries the doorknob, it opens. They walk inside, causing the floor to creak. The hall smells like wet wood and there's multiple floorboards missing.
'Believe it or not, this is the best place I've stayed at in weeks', Kaphiri says.
'Admittedly I also enjoy having a roof covering the stars', Lilith closes the door.
The two walk around the house and occasionally test the safety of certain areas.
'I know I haven't told you much', Kaphiri rubs his fingers together. 'Why did you come to Eymitdall?'
She turns to the window. 'Have you ever heard of being fatebound?'
He steps over next to her and shakes his head.
'The people from the Naga Tribe, my tribe, believe in the eternity of spirits. That includes soulmates. Being fatebound to someone means a bond that differs from romantic, platonic or familial. Being bound to someone just for you... It's something special I wish to explore here.' She turns to him. 'I believe my fatebound is in Atlas.'
The front door opens. A cowboy and a rogue walk inside.
'Thought you said this place was empty', Fawkes turns to his partner.
'Damn, it hurts to be wrong for once', Kaimir places his hand on his hip.
Kaphiri's blood runs cold. Just that voice gives him goosebumps.
'Apologies, is this house not vacant?', Lilith asks the strangers.
'You and I share the same thought I see', Kaimir walks over. Kaphiri inches away from them, closer to the window.
'Well, if it's all the same to you, why not share this place?', Fawkes says, receiving a judgy look from Kaimir. 'Just for tonight.'
'I'm not comfortable with... strangers', Kaphiri mutters.
'It should be alright, so long we stay in separate rooms', Lilith says. 'None of us have jurisdiction over this house.'
'We could fight over it', Kaimir grins, revealing a missing tooth.
Glass shatters.
'You okay there? My friend his was just jokin'', Fawkes walks over to Kaphiri, who backed into the window.
'I'm fine', he shrugs off the glass.
'This place could use a fix-up', Fawkes says.
'I'll leave that up to you', Kaimir puts his arm around him and leans in for a kiss.
'I for one feel much safer with more people around. My name is Lilith by the way', she bows.
Fawkes extends his hand. 'The name's Fawkes. This is my... this is Kaimir.' She leaves him hanging, which causes him to lower his arm.
'Who's he?', Kaimir nods to Kaphiri.
'That's my friend Kaphiri', she says.
'I... Was I not supposed to share that?', she asks.
'We should go', he whispers.
'Go find our rooms that is. Is it too late to shotgun?', Fawkes leaves the group and heads upstairs. Kaimir scans the other two and quietly follows him.
'Is something wrong?', Lilith asks.
After a bit of quiet, he replies: 'Let's just go to our room.'

The wind is cranked up a few notches that night. Creaking planks and scratches of tree branches against the wall finally wake Lilith up. She observes her surrounding and notices Kaphiri sitting in the window frame huddled up. She sits up as well.
'Are you unable to sleep?', she asks softly.
He calmly turns his face to her, then back outside. 'Just thinking about home.'
She shuffles over to him and sits against the wall.
'I got to see Askia for half a day. Half a day, before the apocalypse began.'
'Did you witness the undead?'
He somewhat chuckles. 'They're the reason I got out again. I was taken to a jail because people... people didn't trust me. The guards left because of the up rise. I got out. Got to see Madgarde. That's when the undead returned home. Half a day away from the farm and all I got to see were empty streets and starving pets.'
'How did you escape?'
'Let's just say I'm a lot faster at night.'
The light of the moon crescent reveals a defeated expression on his face. Their silence is filled by the crashing winds and occasional distant animal whimper.
'That guy had an Askian name', she says.
Kaphiri raises his eyebrows and nods.
Lilith drags her knees toward her face and rests on them. The duo sit in silence together until one after the other falls into a light sleep.

The duo is greeted by the older neighbor, who's working in his garden again. He shares his happiness to have lively people living in the street again. After asking him for directions, they head to Pandora. Thought direction might not have been necessary. The stadium is large, tall, made out of marble, incredibly hard to miss. The crowd gets thicker miles from the building. The variety of people grows, mixed with merchants trying their luck among the fans.
'I think someone just stole my silver fork', Kaphiri checks his pockets.
'What an odd item to bring along', Lilith says.
'Sounds pretty unlucky if you ask me', an aarakocra signs an autograph for a child and sends him on his way. 'If you're planning on getting a snack, definitely go for the meatballs.'
'I'll make note of it', Lilith nods.
'You're one of the gladiators, aren't you?', Kaphiri notices.
'The one and only Goldheart', he puts his arms on his sides like a superhero. 'But Soren's fine too.'
'Kaphiri', he excitedly shakes his hand. 'And this is Lilith.'
'A pleasure to make your acquaintance.'
'Are you competing today?', Kaphiri asks.
'Only if you're coming to watch', Soren smiles.
'You bet we are!'
'But what about the meatballs?', Lilith asks disappointed.
'Bring 'em to the stadium. It'll be the time of your life', Soren puts his arms around them and leads them to a stall.
'You really know how to sell it all', Kaphiri says.
'What can I say? I was born to become the next champion', he looks at his nails.
'I'm definitely rooting for you. Who are you up against?', Kaphiri asks.
'Some guy who calls himself "the destroyer". Kind of a pretentious name if you ask me.'
The three amicably make their way to the stadium to watch the tournament together.

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