Chapter 9: The Fighting Duo

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Izuku couldn't think straight with all the explosions Bakugou was creating. Much less come up with an effective counterattack when he couldn't breathe.

His mind was muddled and Bakugou's hero costume kept turning into the black gakuran from middle school. Funnily enough, the look in Bakugou's eye was the same. It left Izuku wanting to not move an inch and to flee at the same time. For more than a few times during the fight, he forgot that he had One for All. There were moments where he was so caught up in Bakugou wearing that black uniform that he didn't use his quirk to move.

Izuku just wanted for the explosions to stop, he wanted to stop tasting blood, he just wanted to be able to breathe. But Bakugou wouldn't let him.

At some point (Izuku couldn't care less when, as long as the explosions stopped) Bakugou grabbed him and held him up. Izuku's head sagged forward and he couldn't bring himself to look up at those damned red eyes. He'd do anything to not have to look at the hate in those eyes.


He had no energy left to even address the absolute bullshit coming out of Bakugou's mouth. He was putting all that energy into trying to breathe. Why was it so hard to just fucking breathe?

His ears were still ringing, but he could have sworn that someone yelled at Bakugou. He wondered who.

His question was answered when he felt a slight tingle from another pair of hands.


"Fuck Midoriya, are you okay? Wait that's a dumb question, you're clearly not. Don't worry, I got you."

It was at those words that Izuku stopped trying to hold himself up. He let himself sag into Kaminari's hold. He wanted to laugh when he heard the small 'oof' that came out of the boy. Instead, he coughed.

A few moments later he found himself feeling weightless and carried in Kaminari's arms. Izuku let himself close his eyes as he knew that Uraraka and Kaminari were there. They wouldn't let something bad happen to him like this. They were strong. They were kind.


"I'm going to electrocute Bakugou until he passes out next time I see him," Kaminari hissed, tightening his grip on Midoriya.

"And I'll gladly help, right after I break his nose," Uraraka said, cracking her knuckles as she walked beside the blonde.

Kaminari nodded."And then you'll help me with All Might?"



Kaminari and Uraraka wasted no pleasantries going to Recovery Girl. The woman barely had time to yell at them for kicking the door open before Uraraka told her what happened and why Midoriya was there.

"So he overdid it again, didn't he? I thought I told Midoriya-"

Uraraka's fists clenched together as she spoke, "Midoriya didn't do anything! This was all Bakugou with his quirk. Midoriya was already not well but All Might made him fight and Bakugou went crazy. Now Midoriya's hurt and it isn't because of any broken bones!"

Recovery Girl simply frowned and sucked at her teeth. She directed Kaminari to lay Midoriya on one of the beds in the corner.

When Uraraka deactivated her quirk, Kaminari was able to lay Izuku out on the bed. He made sure to sweep Midoriya's hair out of his face and tried to make him open his eyes. When Kaminari finally saw green eyes he smiled, "Hey Midoriya, you're going to fine, okay. You'll be healed up in no time. Uraraka is going to stay with you while I get Aizawa-sensei."

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